Bubbus / ACF-Missiles

Racked munitions for ACF
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GLATGMs, Radar additions #62

Open Kardel420 opened 9 years ago

Kardel420 commented 9 years ago

I'd honestly like to see some GLATGMs (Gun-Launched Anti-Tank Guided Missiles) As in GLATGMs are seen usually in cold war russian tanks like:

 -T-55AM(T-55 Upgrade)     [9M117 "Bastion"][100mm D-10T]

 -T-80U/T-80B     [9K112 "Kobra" / 9M119M "Refleks"][125mm 2A46-2 Smoothbore Gun]

 -T-72BU or T-90 whatever you want to call it     [9M119 "Svir"|9M119M "Refleks"][125mm 2A46M Smoothbore Gun]

And the most (in)famous American GLATGM: -M551 Sheridan [MGM-51 "Shillelagh"] [152mm M81E1 Rifled Gun/Launcher] -M60A2 Patton Starship(It didnt live long ;_;) [MGM-51 "Shillelagh"] [152mm M162 Gun/Launcher] -MBT-70 Prototype [MGM-51 "Shillelagh"] [152mm XM150E5]

My idea was letting them be able to be shot as regular Cannon and Short cannon or even Howitzer ammo, but instead of shooting rounds using missiles with said missiles models (or not? Thats just to make it look cool), forcing you to wait some time when reloading (just like actual missiles in ACF Missiles) and have laser or wire guidance (I really like wire over laser, but the variety, man)

The Idea I had for it: -Be used as ammo for: --Cannons and Short Cannons --Howitzers (just a quick thought lol) -Have Dumb, Wire and/or Laser Guidance (Not sure if they should use wire or laser, but muh varieties man!) -Reloading rockets will have increased reload time (Just like current rockets and missiles, have to wait after reloading, big refills speeds this up) --Unloading and reloading regular ammunition shouldnt have a longer reload like when loading a missile!

Meanwhile for the Radar aditions, more settings would be lovely, as in, wire compatibility (Be able to switch targets instead of locking to the nearest on sight), and maybe a fix on accuracy, but dont pay attention to it, as it has been already said in previous issues and in the ACF thread as well if I remember correctly.

For the wire compatibility thing, you could make the radar take all possible targets in an array and let you select them manually, or just add 2 inputs for Previous target and Next target and an output vector for Target Position.

Can be done? Yes, I am pretty sure it can be done, but it lays on you guys, you are the devs of the addons so you can decide if take these request in account or not.

Hope I didnt bore you with this long , thick TEXT of requests and ideas.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day, don't get shot yet.

ColBeckett commented 9 years ago

it was on todo list actually - i just dont had any list of missiles basically i see to add 3 missile types: 100mm 120mm 150/155mm

problem will be to add that feature into cannons

there are more important stuff todo imho - countermeasures

Cre8or commented 9 years ago

I'll be honest with you, development has slowed down a lot the last couple of weeks, mostly because of me taking my exams. I'll get back into it this week-end as I have more time, though I'll be focusing on the flares for now as those are overdue.

JakeyCakey commented 8 years ago

In response of the radar additions I'd suggest this: 3 sizes of radars(Small,medium,large), the smallest radar have the lowest radar cone, but yet easy to implement in aircraft while the biggest radar has a larger field cone, but seems impractical on a fighter aircraft (due its size) but more logical on SAM sites. And the smallest radar is more accurate in leading the rockets than the large radar due it's cone size picking up less ground clutter.

The radars can be multipurpose, missiles that use radar guidance (Such as the AIM-120) require a radar linked to them for locking (Once fired doesn't require guidance from the radar due to it's own radar system.) Without missiles they can be used for detection. The pro of the radar guidance are that it's less prone for countermeasures than compared to the heatseeking AIM-9 missiles. However the con is that the aircraft needs additional space and weight for a radar.

And add a ECM pod alongside it for countermeasure availability. The ECM pod would increase misguidance of radar missles but once activated other radars can easily pick up the source and the ECM pod has 40 seconds(Or whatever time is needed for balance) of operation and after the 40 seconds it needs to 'cool down' to avoid spamming or constant use. The ECM pod has also increased weight and bulkyness(?). Or chaffs can be added that can misguide the radar guided missles.

Feel free to correct me on any of these.