Level combo box has Perception/Feature and Dimension that's fixed
But the links combo box must load the necessary links dynamically belonging to the selected level. For this you can use the followng method,
getLinksForQueryUI(linkConfModel, level) in perceptionFacade : ArrayList
This method basically gives all the links (cross feature and temporal) in a given level as a String arraylist.
You've to "somehow" call ths from the queryTopComponent
Level combo box has Perception/Feature and Dimension that's fixed But the links combo box must load the necessary links dynamically belonging to the selected level. For this you can use the followng method, getLinksForQueryUI(linkConfModel, level) in perceptionFacade : ArrayList
This method basically gives all the links (cross feature and temporal) in a given level as a String arraylist.
You've to "somehow" call ths from the queryTopComponent