BuddyTracker / BuddyTrackerThePod

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Addressing #2

Open fdrury opened 6 years ago

fdrury commented 6 years ago

For now: Have device initialize itself with a “session” UUID each boot. >=128 bits guarantees practical uniqueness - If in the very remote chance there is a collision, the first thing a user is likely to do is reset, then the problem goes away.

Later: It would be nice to have BuddyTrackers ship with a unique UUID that can be used for enhanced functionality (via app integration e.g. I want Bob to be blue and Matt to be green).

fdrury commented 6 years ago

Easier to implement hardware unique ID chip or Generates random ID on startup - then upon connecting to app, a permanent ID is saved to EEPROM (maybe have the MSB determine if it is a random or assigned ID). How long should this ID be?

fdrury commented 6 years ago

What would be the server requirements of something like this? (a registry of ID#s and who they belong to) I assume very small... Could probably integrate with current website? (no additional cost?)