Closed mjashanks closed 3 years ago
I have 2 postgres tables
One Vehicles has Many ServiceLog
Create scripts for tables, with data are attached.
Now, I ....
POST /api/table_id/rows
400 - Bad Request
My Request
{ "Vehicle": [ "%5B'7'%5D" ], "Mileage": 444444, "ServiceDate": "2021-09-29T23:00:00.000Z", "Description": "hello", "__valid": true, "__currentStep": 1, "__currentStepValid": true, "Category": "Brakes", "tableId": "datasource_plus_238519b3a39b417cb2e58646988e1d67__ServiceLog" }
This request works... I got this by inserting a row via the builder
{ "Category": "cat", "Description": "description", "ServiceDate": "2021-09-08T11:00:00.000Z", "VehicleId": "", "Mileage": 66666, "id": null, "Vehicle": [ "%5B'3'%5D" ], "tableId": "datasource_plus_238519b3a39b417cb2e58646988e1d67__ServiceLog" }
Create script for tables...
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public."Vehicles" ( id bigint NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY ( INCREMENT 1 START 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 CACHE 1 ), "Registration" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", "Make" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", "Model" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", "Colour" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", "Year" smallint, CONSTRAINT "Vehicles_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id) ) TABLESPACE pg_default; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public."ServiceLog" ( id bigint NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY ( INCREMENT 1 START 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 CACHE 1 ), "Description" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", "VehicleId" bigint, "ServiceDate" timestamp without time zone, "Category" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", "Mileage" bigint, CONSTRAINT "ServiceLog_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT vehicle_foreign_key FOREIGN KEY ("VehicleId") REFERENCES public."Vehicles" (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ) TABLESPACE pg_default; INSERT INTO public."Vehicles"("Registration", "Make", "Model", "Colour", "Year") VALUES ('FAZ 9837','Volkswagen','Polo','White',2002); INSERT INTO public."Vehicles"("Registration", "Make", "Model", "Colour", "Year") VALUES ('JHI 8827','BMW','M3','Black',2013); INSERT INTO public."Vehicles"("Registration", "Make", "Model", "Colour", "Year") VALUES ('D903PI','Volvo','XC40','Grey',2014); INSERT INTO public."Vehicles"("Registration", "Make", "Model", "Colour", "Year") VALUES ('YFI002','Volkswagen','Golf','Dark Blue',2018); INSERT INTO public."Vehicles"("Registration", "Make", "Model", "Colour", "Year") VALUES ('HGT5677','Skoda','Octavia','Graphite',2009); INSERT INTO public."Vehicles"("Registration", "Make", "Model", "Colour", "Year") VALUES ('PPF9276','Skoda','Octavia','Graphite',2021); INSERT INTO public."Vehicles"("Registration", "Make", "Model", "Colour", "Year") VALUES ('J893FT','Toyota','Corolla','Red',2015); INSERT INTO public."Vehicles"("Registration", "Make", "Model", "Colour", "Year") VALUES ('MJK776','Honda','HR-V','Silver',2015); INSERT INTO public."ServiceLog"("Description", "VehicleId", "ServiceDate", "Category", "Mileage") VALUES ('Change front brakes', 1, '2021-05-04', 'Brakes', 20667); INSERT INTO public."ServiceLog"("Description", "VehicleId", "ServiceDate", "Category", "Mileage") VALUES ('Tyres - full set', 1, '2021-05-04', 'Brakes', 20667); INSERT INTO public."ServiceLog"("Description", "VehicleId", "ServiceDate", "Category", "Mileage") VALUES ('Engine tune up', 2, '2021-07-14', 'Brakes', 50889); INSERT INTO public."ServiceLog"("Description", "VehicleId", "ServiceDate", "Category", "Mileage") VALUES ('Replace transmission', 3, '2021-09-26', 'Transmission', 98002);
Closing as PR with fix merged.
I have 2 postgres tables
One Vehicles has Many ServiceLog
Create scripts for tables, with data are attached.
Now, I ....
POST /api/table_id/rows
fails with400 - Bad Request
. There is no response body.My Request
This request works... I got this by inserting a row via the builder
Create script for tables...