BugBuster1701 / contao-visitors-bundle

Contao 4/5 Visitors Bundle
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
2 stars 2 forks source link

Visitors module leading to 403 error #134

Closed Anke closed 11 months ago

Anke commented 11 months ago


on (just) one of my websites, vitsitors causes an error. Most parts of the website are being loaded, but at the bottom of the page, where fe_visitors_invisible is included, I get the typical Contao error screen.

Looking at the Contao logs I see that the visitors seems to be loaded without SSL (?), although https is selected in the site structure. Is this causing the error?

[2023-07-17T12:50:29.579596+02:00] request.ERROR: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException: "" at /.../vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/FragmentListener.php line 90 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\AccessDeniedHttpException(code: 0):  at /.../vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/FragmentListener.php:90)"} []
[2023-07-17T12:50:29.589372+02:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception RuntimeException: "Error when rendering "http://.../_fragment?_hash=lDFMSFhPaTS%2F24HHCc8aaHZRUb8OKDPXZEjmFF4rDKw%3D&_path=_scope%3Dfrontend%26moduleModel%3D83%26section%3Dmain%26pageModel%3D39%26_format%3Dhtml%26_locale%3Dde%26_controller%3Dcontao.frontend_module.visitors" (Status code is 403)." at /.../vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpCache/AbstractSurrogate.php line 99 {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Error when rendering \"http://.../_fragment?_hash=lDFMSFhPaTS%2F24HHCc8aaHZRUb8OKDPXZEjmFF4rDKw%3D&_path=_scope%3Dfrontend%26moduleModel%3D83%26section%3Dmain%26pageModel%3D39%26_format%3Dhtml%26_locale%3Dde%26_controller%3Dcontao.frontend_module.visitors\" (Status code is 403). at /.../vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpCache/AbstractSurrogate.php:99)"} []

I find it strange, that this error only occurs on this one small website, which except for visitors and a few backend helpers doesn't use any extensions. Caches and Cookies have repeatedly been emptied. Firefox console reports no errors or warnings. AND this error only happens once in a while, i.e. so far I haven't been able to actively reproduce it.

Hosting: DomainFactory; Contao 4.13.4 (just updated to 4.13.26), Visitors-Bundle 1.8.3, PHP 8.1

Any idea?

BugBuster1701 commented 11 months ago

Nein keine. Über den Debug Mode müsste man nun per Stack Trace rausfinden können, wo das passiert.

Anke commented 11 months ago

Danke, Glen. Der Fehler ist bei meinen Site-Aufrufen nicht noch einmal aufgetreten. Zwar hat ein anderer Kunde mir einen Screenshot mit genau derselben Fehlermeldung geschickt (Contao 4.13.24), sie erschien aber nicht, als ich die Website aufgerufen habe. Daher schließe ich dieses Ticket mal und komme evtl. darauf zurück, sobald ich eine Chance habe, den Debug-Modus zu nutzen.