BuggleInc / PLM

Programmer's Learning Machine
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Translation misspelling #441

Closed PLMbugz closed 9 years ago

PLMbugz commented 9 years ago

Please write your suggestion here, with all necessary details (if possible in English or French).

When you find a typo or a sentence that is hard to understand, it really helps to suggest a new wording.

If you encounter a technical bug, please tell us what you did, which outcome you were expecting and what happened instead.

but DO NEVER DISCLOSE A PASSWORD to a bug tracker. Never.

I discovered a minor translation error instead of 'latter' it should be 'later'.

Lesson: welcome Exercise: welcome.lessons.welcome.variables.Variables Programming Language: Java Locale: polski (Polska) Java version: 1.8.0_45 (VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM; version: 25.45-b02) OS: Linux (version: 3.13.0-51-lowlatency; arch: amd64) PLM version: 2.5 (20141031) Public user ID: PLM04ba50ca6abc197579e935cb3e9202bfb82b9814