BuggleInc / PLM

Programmer's Learning Machine
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[Training Buggle lesson / Leçon Entraînement de buggle ] localization bug #447

Closed jcb closed 9 years ago

jcb commented 9 years ago

In the "Training Buggle" lesson, it looks like there is a bug. In the French version (« Entraînement de buggle »), the following solution does not work:

for tour in range (10):
  for cote in range (4):
    for pas in range (8):

The following message is displayed: Sorry Dave, I cannot let you use forward with an argument in this exercise. Use a loop instead.

If I replace avance() by forward(), it just works.

(I am using the latest stable version: 2.5)

jcb commented 9 years ago

Just a precision for mquinson who could have forgotten his glasses: the language is Python ;)