in the pancake sort, solutions that don't take care of the burning of the pancakes are accepted, and the complexity of the algorithm ain't tested, which results that an algorithm that work for the first case works for the whole lesson
Programming Language: Scala
Lang: en
PLM version: 2.6-pre (20150202)
webPLM version: 2.0.3
Public user ID: PLM3c61b5275d4062ac8618571fcd0beb335404c2aa
in the pancake sort, solutions that don't take care of the burning of the pancakes are accepted, and the complexity of the algorithm ain't tested, which results that an algorithm that work for the first case works for the whole lesson
Lesson: Exercise: Programming Language: Scala Lang: en PLM version: 2.6-pre (20150202) webPLM version: 2.0.3 Public user ID: PLM3c61b5275d4062ac8618571fcd0beb335404c2aa