BugiDev / react-native-calendar-strip

Easy to use and visually stunning calendar component for React Native.
MIT License
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Disable scroll animation between weeks #363

Open ErionTp opened 1 year ago

ErionTp commented 1 year ago

Below is the configuration for the calendar:

<CalendarStrip selectedDate={new Date()} onDateSelected={(value) => { setCurrentDate(value.toDate()); refetch(); }} scrollToOnSetSelectedDate={false} useIsoWeekday={true} style={{ height: 60, width: '100%' }} scrollerPaging={true} scrollable={true} showMonth={false} useNativeDriver={true} calendarAnimation={{ type: 'parallel', duration: 30 }} upperCaseDays={false} iconContainer={{ display: 'none', }} highlightDateNameStyle={{ color: 'white' }} highlightDateNumberStyle={{ color: 'white' }} highlightDateContainerStyle={{ backgroundColor: APP_COLORS.blue, borderRadius: 8, width: 40 }} />

Can anyone please help me how to disable the scroll animation? When I try to scroll to the next week the animation slows down the scroll.