Bugswriter / tuxi

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updated test script #123

Closed sudocanttype closed 3 years ago

sudocanttype commented 3 years ago

Added more diverse test cases, now it doesnt just output to a text file, also pops up

sudocanttype commented 3 years ago

@Bugswriter Can you test this script and see if it works in india?

sudocanttype commented 3 years ago

Oh wait nevermind this already got implemented to main. I just never noticed

sudocanttype commented 3 years ago

Nevermind I'm just really dumb. I made it so that it shows the output of the test once it's done

Bugswriter commented 3 years ago

You should use -r in test script .. So we can have some clean output in text file.

sudocanttype commented 3 years ago

-r? Where?

Bugswriter commented 3 years ago

when we use tuxi -r it will give raw output. .So this way ..our testoutput file doesn't contain those color codes.

sudocanttype commented 3 years ago

@Bugswriter Added a raw output option. I'm not adding a help option or anything because this isn't meant for general use, just us devs. I've tested it on my machine, works a-ok. Here's the output file testoutputs.txt

sudocanttype commented 3 years ago

@Bugswriter Can you check out the updated test script and see if the -r option is up to standards?

Bugswriter commented 3 years ago

Sorry I have an exam tomorrow. I ll check at tomorrow evening.

sudocanttype commented 3 years ago

Nah, it's fine. Exams are 100% more important than a minor update.