BuidlGuidl / abi.ninja

Interact with any contract on Ethereum.
MIT License
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Pretty transaction result on contract page #125

Open technophile-04 opened 1 week ago

technophile-04 commented 1 week ago

Description :

We merged this in SE-2 https://github.com/scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth-2/pull/853, maybe we should port it to Abi ninja too

portdeveloper commented 1 week ago

How do you think this looks? https://github.com/BuidlGuidl/abi.ninja/assets/108868128/507d6d2a-d718-4352-8f4c-c417ee8de94d

the code is on branch feat/better-tx-result

I have used byte's changes + changed the color + changed one line of code