BuidlGuidl / burnerwallet

MIT License
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V0.1 #1

Closed damianmarti closed 3 months ago

damianmarti commented 3 months ago

Features implemented:

  1. Allow to change the current network, using the network select from abi.ninja.
  2. Show balance.
  3. Send network coin.
  4. QR code to receive.
  5. Transaction history (using Alchemy SDK). Split data by date. Show category, address and value (see image).
  6. Scan QR code (TODO: handler redirecting to send view)

localhost_3000_ (42)

Another screenshot (Sepolia):

localhost_3000_ (43)

We have to implement the final design and add the settings config (only showing the icon now).

carletex commented 3 months ago

This is looking amazing @damianmarti

Let me take a look this week! Thank you!

carletex commented 3 months ago

Hey @damianmarti

What should I do to a proper local setup?

Getting this after pulling / yarn install / yarn start (tried yarn chain just in case too)


A few more thoughts:

I'll test more when I can run it locally!

Thanks Damu!!

damianmarti commented 3 months ago

Hey @damianmarti

What should I do to a proper local setup?

Getting this after pulling / yarn install / yarn start (tried yarn chain just in case too)


It should work without doing anything. I will check what is happening.

A few more thoughts:

  • Also, only sepolia & polygonMumbai are enabled? Any reason for that, or just testing?

No, just for testing. I can add other networks.

  • The idea was to only showi ETH transfers initially, but if the Alchemy SDK provides everything... we could leave it like this! What do you think?

I thought is nice to show all kinds of transactions. Anyway, it's easy if we want to filter and show only the eth transfers.

  • You did modals (instead of drawers as we discussed). Totally ok, we can leave it for another PR.

Yeah, just because it was easy to implement for me, to have a quick prototype, but I can change it for drawers later (I checked the other day the drawers documentation and the drawers seems to be able to open to the right or left (not to the bottom) and since we have the Send and Receive button in the middle, I think the drawer should open to the bottom, but I can check it deeper in another PR).

  • Could you remove console.logs?

Yes, sure!!

I'll test more when I can run it locally!

I will let know you when I find out what is happening with the local setup.

Thanks Damu!!

Thanks for the review!

damianmarti commented 3 months ago

@carletex Removed console logs and added more networks. I will add Base too, I have to add the logo to the networks dropdown.

carletex commented 3 months ago

Looking good for an initial merge @damianmarti

Thanks!!! <3