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Simple webpage #11

Open betatim opened 6 years ago

betatim commented 6 years ago

Before we can advertise things we need a simple webpage that lists the details for a workshop and at minimum links to a google form for registration.

Can someone recommend a nice and simple template for a webpage? (The standard ones that come with GitHub pages are a bit weird I think.)

gedankenstuecke commented 6 years ago

I just yesterday looked into the nice template that @aath0 started using for her GH page. Have a look here:

I think this could also work nicely for a workshop page. Otherwise we could think about using one of the WOW workshop themes?

pherterich commented 6 years ago

What could probably also work is something similar to the software carpentry stuff as the workshop might be similar? Not really skilled enough to have a proper opinion though.

betatim commented 6 years ago

The theme looks nice.

Good point about the workshop content itself. I hadn't thought as far as that yet. Was more thinking of a "landing page" for registration and info.

I like the carpentry workshop template, the last time I suggested it though lots of people voted for GitBook instead. Setting up the carpentry template is quick but you end up customising, GitBook takes a moment as well :-/ Maybe someone who has opinions/feelings on this can take the lead :)

The minimal effort part of me is thinking: can we get away with example repos that demonstrate how to do X, markdown files in this repo, and slides on google docs (or similar)?

trallard commented 6 years ago

My thoughts:

I have used all three approaches for previous courses and I could definitely help with this if you needed me to. So basically it reduces to which format do you want to write the materials in and then translating them into a user-friendly nice looking output

betatim commented 6 years ago

I really don't know what format is best. I'd pick one based on what someone likes and then see how it goes. Hadn't thought of sphinx but now that you bring it up I realise that most (if not all) the existing binder docs and material are sphinx based. So maybe that is what tips it? We could also use that as landing page (reducing the number of techs by factor two in one fell swoop!)

Do you want to give that a go? (Let me know if you need more privileges to the repo.)

trallard commented 6 years ago

Using that as landing page and workshop materials source will definitely reduce the work.

I will have a crack at putting together a draft site (probably on Wednesday or Thursday).

And will ship it in the form of a PR first so that you can review it first and can sort out additional privileges later on if needed.

betatim commented 6 years ago

I look forward to bookmarking :)

willingc commented 6 years ago

@betatim You might want to check out Hugo too. Some great themes many with excellent support, fast builds and deploys especially when using Netlify,

RaoOfPhysics commented 6 years ago

Late to the party and don't want to derail plans for a sphinx-based website, but for a landing page, you might want to check out which @neuroamanda et al. used for their event landing page recently: It needs… a little love to customise.

I would suggest using Jekyll over Hugo and others as it plugs straight in to GitHub allowing anyone to make a small change via PR without rebuilding the website themselves. But I have no strong feelings about this! EDIT: Good point from @willingc about Netlify, though.

I support the idea of having a separate landing page and a separate page for hosting workshop content.

willingc commented 6 years ago

Cool sites @RaoOfPhysics.

Both Jekyll and Hugo as well as others are good options. I'm not sure that I understand the statement about using GitHub for small changes via PR with Jekyll vs Hugo. On other projects that I maintain, it's straightforward to edit content using the Github UI with Hugo. Combined with Netlify, we also are able to set up a preview of the PR when submitted (I believe with Netlify you can do that with Jekyll too).

Great to see these workshops moving forward. My general view on static site generators is use what folks feel comfortable with, get it up and running, and then focus most of your effort on the content :smile: :sunny:

trallard commented 6 years ago

I have no idea how I completely forgot about Jekyll.

I suppose we could have a Jekyll page for the workshop logistics and the sphinx one for the workshop content.

Either way, both can be set up so that the site is automatically built and tested when pushed/merged into GitHub (Jekyll is automatically supported and built by GitHub).

I am happy either way and neither should take me much time to set up

RaoOfPhysics commented 6 years ago

I could've been clearer, @willingc. :) I hadn't considered the use of GH Pages with Netlify, so I was pointing out that GH would automatically build a new Jekyll page when a change is pushed, without needing to build the website locally or using a CI tool. But I'm no expert, so my take might not be the best. :)

gedankenstuecke commented 6 years ago

I just wanted to 👍 @RaoOfPhysics's suggestion for having some non-sphinx page for the workshop logistics/advertisement page. Sphinx is great for docs but not the most inviting thing for getting people to register I fear. 😄

trallard commented 6 years ago

Ok so I have a draft for the site here :

Some things to note:

If there are any other sections/information that you might want to add let me know.

I imagine you'd like to add some sort of wording indicating that you got support from Mozilla for this, so I can add this and the logo in the about section.

Regarding the actual workshop content, we can definitely have it as a Sphinx thing 🦄

betatim commented 6 years ago

This looks pretty snazzy!

exact location, down to the room

@pherterich and @heluc do you already know? Otherwise roughly the right place EPFL Birmingham

COC got some support

Plan for the day, about the workshop

Agenda drafting

Can we cook down this section to serve as a introduction paragraph that describes the problem and solution?

Key things in my mind to convey on the webpage:

betatim commented 6 years ago

"You will learn how others are using Binder and related tools. At the end of the workshop you will be able to take some of your content (in a R or Jupyter notebook) and prepare it so that it can be used by others by clicking one link."

betatim commented 6 years ago

Drafting the signup form in #14

heluc commented 6 years ago

@betatim Yes, room at EPFL will be BC 410. You can use this link:

pherterich commented 6 years ago

@betatim at Birmingham, we'll be in the Murray Learning Centre (R28 on this map in room UG05

betatim commented 6 years ago

@trallard do you want to create PR for what you already have? Then others can help fill out location, etc.

I think we should start advertising and collecting sign ups for the Birmingham event soon.

betatim commented 6 years ago

I imagine you'd like to add some sort of wording indicating that you got support from Mozilla for this, so I can add this and the logo in the about section. is the sentence that the funders indicated they want to see. There were no details about use/not use of logos etc As a version 1 I would include just that sentence.

trallard commented 6 years ago

I could create a PR with the website as it is now but I have not created the site pages yet. I am teaching all day (9-5:30) today until Friday so I am afraid I would only be able to work on the website on Saturday afternoonish though

trallard commented 6 years ago

I am working on the website... @betatim any idea on the location/date for the event in Germany? Will this be in CODE as discussed in #4 ?

betatim commented 6 years ago

It isn't locked in yet so I would leave it open. IMO this isn't something we need to wait for before starting to use the website.

trallard commented 6 years ago

Excellent! Do you have a link to the registration form for B'ham. So that I can add it as I presume the registration will be open now/soon?

Also when is the registration opening for Switzerland?

betatim commented 6 years ago is the form for Birmingham.

When copying the form I noticed there are still two dates in the mix for Birmingham. I picked 17th July 2018. Will post that in #3 as well.

Let's say mid July to open registration for Switzerland?