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Session ideas #12

Open betatim opened 6 years ago

betatim commented 6 years ago

What kind of sessions on what topics should we have?

Let's collect ideas here and then distil them down later.

betatim commented 6 years ago
sje30 commented 6 years ago

I think it would be good to have lots of case studies (ideally from real papers) for people to run and adapt. I've got one in prep (if anyone can help with rstudio / latex in binder).

betatim commented 6 years ago

Added it to the list in the top comment.

betatim commented 6 years ago

Something for the showcase: not sure where to put it so placing it here for the moment.

yochannah commented 6 years ago

Would a biology-related session be of interest? @intermine has a set of tutorials for fetching genomic data in jupyter notebooks here

It could flow something like this:

  1. Choose an InterMine data source (there are quite a few out there for different organisms so it's nicely flexible)
  2. Use a UI to build a query for data
  3. Copy auto-generated code to run the query (this might be nice for people who are nervous / new coders who are comfortable tweaking scripts but not writing lots of code themselves)
  4. Paste it into a notebook and launch to binder?
betatim commented 6 years ago

Both walk you through all the steps of taking a repo and binderising it. Final step is having a link that you can share with others that works.

@sje30 have you seen and as examples to start from for Latex and RStudio? Would be great to have a real-world example for the workshop.

jzf2101 commented 6 years ago

@betatim You've seen my slides. Perhaps we could use that as a jumping off point. I think explaining some background information could be a useful session.

betatim commented 6 years ago

The slides @jzf2101 is referring to are here

I think we should pull material from them for the "Introduction to binder, showcasing creative uses of binder" and "Zero2Binder - How to get a repository to work on" on the agenda

betatim commented 6 years ago

has some thoughts on what others are looking for from Binder workshops.

betatim commented 5 years ago a showcase item (mad props to @choldgraf)

betatim commented 5 years ago

@yochannah how much time would you reckon we should schedule for something like ?

betatim commented 5 years ago

Discussing the Introduction to Binder slides in its own issue: #32