I've set up 2 configurations:
1) 4-core CPU with 8 GB RAM, 160Gb SSD - Vultr
2) 8-core CPU with 8 GB RAM, 100 Gb SSD - Google cloud
During the sync, load on CPU was normal, but when sync is finished all CPUs almost full time have 100% load.
Htop tool shows the load from the "mongod --replSet rs0 --bind_ip_all" process.
Hi, I've used the guide below and set up TomoX DEX for testnet using Quick start steps: https://docs.tomochain.com/masternode/tomox-sdk/
I've set up 2 configurations: 1) 4-core CPU with 8 GB RAM, 160Gb SSD - Vultr 2) 8-core CPU with 8 GB RAM, 100 Gb SSD - Google cloud
During the sync, load on CPU was normal, but when sync is finished all CPUs almost full time have 100% load. Htop tool shows the load from the "mongod --replSet rs0 --bind_ip_all" process.