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TomoChain's Bug Report & Support
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"Buy 0 null at price 0 null/null" pop up #99

Open CryptoChaser13 opened 4 years ago

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

Hello. I tried to make a buy order with the cheapest price on the orderbook and maximize my order to 100% so it won't be filled easier. It was submitted on open orders And now i cancelled my order then a confirmation pop-out came out. I tried to turn on 'Auto Confirm for' and i cancelled my order. Everything is normal.

Consequently, i tried to make another buy order, same cheapest price and 100% so it wont get filled immediately. Now, its submitted on open orders. As you can see on the picture below, it was already filled 3% and then i decided to cancel out again the order. This time it dont require confirmation anymore because i turned the auto confirm on with the cancellation of first transaction. Suddenly, a pop-out came and seems need to be fixed: "Buy 0 null at price 0 null/null".

Screenshot_20200126-162932_Tomo Wallet

I hope i have figured out this bug.

Here is my Tomo wallet address: 0xafb82d9c2609ead9534774b16f9d1377d2decea3

thanhson1085 commented 4 years ago

Seems issues with TomoWallet on some Android devices. We can not reproduce it now. But I will keep the issue open and follow it up.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

Thank you sir. I'll just wait for an update.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

Hello sir @thanhson1085 I would just like to follow up this issue. Thank you.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago


I alao encountered this issue on different device , what i used on the first post was Samsung Galaxy A50, now i encountered issue on Huawei Nova 2i

thanhson1085 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the information.

thanhson1085 commented 4 years ago

Issue with TomoWallet Android version.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

Yes sir. Haven't tried it on IOS, but encountered issue this issue of Dex on app in any android.

thanhson1085 commented 4 years ago

I meant that It is a TomoWallet MObile bug, not TomoDex bug. Thank you for your report, I will forward to TomoWallet Android team.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

So will it be rewarded sir?

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

I encountered it on dexchange at android app.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

What bug level here sir? @thanhson1085 Here is my Tomo wallet address: 0xafb82d9c2609ead9534774b16f9d1377d2decea3

thanhson1085 commented 4 years ago

We only reward for TomoDEX, TomoRelayer bug report. This is tomowallet's bug.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

But it falls on tomodex sir. At running on dapps. Its also indicated in the code.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago


thanhson1085 commented 4 years ago

TomoDEX is a web application run on TomoWallet's DApp browser. If there is an bug with TomoWallet, I may affect to TomoDEX.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

So, no reward for this sir? Hmm.

thanhson1085 commented 4 years ago

Yes. No reward. It is bug of TomoWallet.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

Oh. I thought it has reward, cause i also ask it on tomo tehnical group on telegram.

CryptoChaser13 commented 4 years ago

Thank you.