BuildRemote / udger-nodejs-ts

Node.js agent string parser based on Udger
MIT License
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Get new database #1

Closed tobiasmuehl closed 5 months ago

tobiasmuehl commented 5 months ago

need to get a new one off license and download the new DBs

ytspar commented 5 months ago

Will do when I have access to payment confirmation (Andy) tomorrow

ytspar commented 5 months ago

Data v4

Data ver. 4
(since 2021)

available data format

Contents datafile
User-Agent Client Hints support (Browser, OS, Device)
clients and clients class (browser, email client, robots, lib ...) list
clients regular expression
Information of clients is uptodate
OS list
OS regular expression
OS - clients relation
Devices list
Devices regular expression
Devices market name
Crawlers and crawlers class (search engine bot, site monitor, webscraper ...) list
IP (v4 and v6) list and class (crawler, proxy, vpn service, scraper ...)
Data center list
Data center IP (v4 and v6) range

data v3

Data ver. 3
(since 2016)

available data format

Version 3 is the latest format.

Contents datafile
clients and clients class (browser, email client, robots, lib ...) list
clients regular expression
Information of clients is uptodate
OS list
OS regular expression
OS - clients relation
Devices list
Devices regular expression
Devices market name
Crawlers and crawlers class (search engine bot, site monitor, webscraper ...) list
IP (v4 and v6) list and class (crawler, proxy, vpn service, scraper ...)
Data center list
Data center IP (v4 and v6) range

Incidentally, have you seen this "Additional Data":

Documentation :: udger com 2024-01-30 18-16-51

I feel like we're not using it!

Available additional data
IP Addresses of proxies, VPN services, Attack source ...
Format:: "IP address","Hostname","Country","Country code","City","Last seen"
(This lists contains IPs of the last 3 month)

datafile_name   subscription type   Description
anonymizing_vpn_service.csv Local parser    Anonymizing VPN services IP List (CSV)
public_cgi_proxy.csv    Local parser    Public cgi proxies IP List (CSV)
public_web_proxy.csv    Local parser    Public web proxies IP List (CSV)
tor_exit_node.csv   Local parser    tor exit nodes IP List (CSV)
known_attack_source.csv Local parser    Known attack source - HTTP IP List (CSV)
known_attack_source_mail.csv    Local parser    Known attack source - MAIL, SMTP .. IP List (CSV)
known_attack_source_ssh.csv Local parser    Known attack source - SSH IP List (CSV)
Fake crawlers, Web scrapers ...
Format:: "IP address","Hostname","Country","Country code","City","Last seen"

datafile_name   subscription type   Description
fake_crawler.csv    Local parser    Fake crawlers IP List (CSV)
web_scraper.csv Local parser    Web scrapers IP List (CSV)
IP Addresses of Search Engine Spiders
Format:: "Bot name","IP address","DNS name","Country","City","Bot family","Useragentstring","Country code"

datafile_name   subscription type   Description
botIP-Googlebot.csv Local and Cloud parser  Googlebot IP List (CSV)
botIP-MSN-Bing.csv  Local and Cloud parser  MSNbot/bingbot IP List (CSV)
botIP-Baiduspider.csv   Local and Cloud parser  Baiduspider IP List (CSV)
botIP-Yandex.csv    Local and Cloud parser  Yandex IP List (CSV)
botIP-Yahoo.csv Local and Cloud parser  Yahoo! IP List (CSV)
botIP.csv   Local and Cloud parser  Crawlers (All) IP List (CSV)
Data centers hosting company IP v4 ranges
Format:: "Data center name","Homepage","IP from","IP to","IP long integer from","IP long integer to"

datafile_name   subscription type   Description
datacenter.csv  Local parser    Data center IP v4 ranges List (CSV)
Data centers hosting IP v4 ranges for import

datafile_name   subscription type   Description
datacenter.txt  Local parser    Data center IP v4 ranges List (TXT)
Data centers hosting IP v4 CIDR

datafile_name   subscription type   Description
datacenter-cidr.txt Local parser    Data center IP v4 cidr ranges list (TXT)
Data centers hosting company IP v6 ranges
Format:: "Data center name","Homepage","IP from","IP to"

datafile_name   subscription type   Description
datacenter6.csv Local parser    Data center IP v6 ranges List (CSV)
MAC Address Vendors list
Format:: "MAC address","Name","Name code","Address1","Address2","Country","Country code","Homepage"

datafile_name   subscription type   Description
mac_address_vendors.csv Local parser    MAC Address Vendors list (CSV)
Sample useragentstrings
datafile_name   subscription type   Description
uas_example.csv Local and Cloud parser  Sample UAS (Browsers, crawlers .. etc. - CSV)
Format: "Type","Name","useragentstring"
uasOS_example.csv   Local and Cloud parser  Sample Operating Systems (CSV)
Format: "Name","useragentstring"
uaDEVICE_example.csv    Local and Cloud parser  Sample Devices (CSV)
Format: "Name","useragentstring"
useragents.csv  Local parser    No parsed big list (CSV) - approximately 5 350 000 unique User-Agent string
Format: "Last seen","useragentstring"
userAgent_client_hints.csv  Local parser    No parsed big list (CSV) - approximately 820 000 unique User-Agent string with User-Agent Client Hints
Format: "Last seen","useragentstring","Sec-Ch-Ua","Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile","Sec-Ch-Ua-Full-Version","Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform","Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform-Version","Sec-Ch-Ua-Model"
tobiasmuehl commented 5 months ago

we're not using the separate files, but the data is contained in the regular database

ytspar commented 5 months ago

but the data is contained in the regular database

Oh, great. They made it seem like this is additional data.

Then I'll close this, with a link to the db v3