BuilderIO / gpt-crawler

Crawl a site to generate knowledge files to create your own custom GPT from a URL
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Multiple Selectors not Reflected in Output #146

Open mahdii0908 opened 4 months ago

mahdii0908 commented 4 months ago

I am currently trying to use multiple selectors, in that i want two different parts of the page i am trying to scrape. I have tried using the :is (from previous post), but i only get the output for the first element reflected in the json-file.

export const defaultConfig: Config = {
  url: "",
  match: "**",
  selector: ":is(.tc_richcontent, .tc_page__body__standfirst)",
  maxPagesToCrawl: 2,
  outputFileName: "output_body.json",
  maxTokens: 2000000,

So for the config above, I only get .tc_richcontent reflected in my output-file, and not .tc_pagebodystandfirst. Any suggestions to get both parts?