BuilderIO / micro-agent

An AI agent that writes (actually useful) code for you
MIT License
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Support Azure Ai OpenAi api #54

Closed M-Sakr closed 1 month ago

M-Sakr commented 1 month ago

Hi, i'm big fan of your project, i use azure ai, and i have instance at, is there a way to use it?, how can i configure it?

steve8708 commented 1 month ago

you absolutely can, set the OPENAI_API_ENDPOINT to your azure base url to do that, and use your azure openai key for the api key as well

yuichiromukaiyama commented 1 month ago


Thank you for this wonderful project. I would like to use this amazing application with Azure OpenAI as well. However, when I tried to use it, a 404 error was displayed.

% npx micro-agent config set OPENAI_API_ENDPOINT=https://${NAME}
% npx micro-agent config set OPENAI_KEY=${AZURE OPENAI API KEY}
% npx micro-agent config set MODEL=gpt-35-turbo-16k
% npx micro-agent       

┌  🦾 Micro Agent
◇  What would you like to do?
│  hello world
✖ 404 Resource not found
    at APIError.generate (file:///micro-agent/node_modules/openai/error.mjs:50:20)
    at OpenAI.makeStatusError (file:///micro-agent/node_modules/openai/core.mjs:268:25)
    at OpenAI.makeRequest (file:///micro-agent/node_modules/openai/core.mjs:312:30)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async getSimpleCompletion (file:///micro-agent/node_modules/
    at async getFileSuggestion (file:///micro-agent/node_modules/
    at async interactiveMode (file:///micro-agent/node_modules/
    at async file:///micro-agent/node_modules/

Is the usage correct? Upon checking the code, it looks like the following, but in the case of Azure, we may need to pass the API key in the header.


const openai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: openaiKey,
  baseURL: endpoint


const client = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: openaiKey,
  baseURL: endpoint
  defaultHeaders: {
    "api-key": openaiKey,
  defaultQuery: {
    "api-version": "2024-05-01-preview",
    model: "gpt-35-turbo-16k",
    messages: [{ role: "user", content: "hello world" }],
  .then((e) => {