Builderdog841 / Ancient-Aether

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Insane lag when entering aether dimension #204

Open annalizabeth03 opened 1 month ago

annalizabeth03 commented 1 month ago

Anytime I enter the aether, I experience crazy lag. I can't open the lore book or any other item in my inventory. Trying to leave the aether via JourneyMap warp ends up crashing minecraft, and I have to close it via task manager. I am playing a mod called Fantasy Skies. Here's a clip of what happens.

Builderdog841 commented 1 month ago

I dunno you're playing a massive modpack so I can't pin point it to anything here and I doubt it's Ancient Aether that's causing this

Builderdog841 commented 1 month ago

I'll also need more information like q spark report for example and also try if this accurs with just Ancient Aether and its dependencies, otherwise I'm closing this for now

annalizabeth03 commented 1 month ago

got it. I'm very new to playing mods so forgive me if I come off as ignorant- I'll mess around with it and see if I can fix anything.

Builderdog841 commented 1 month ago

all good