BuildingCityDashboards / bcd-dd-v2.1

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Health - add COVID #1136

Open LiamOSullivan opened 4 years ago

LiamOSullivan commented 4 years ago

May be useful as a Theme or Query?

OD: As far as I'm aware all open Covid data is here: I'm assuming the Dublin EDs is hosted on OSi's GeoHive so you may need a API-key to get it. If AIRO end up giving us the Dublin ED's or getting us an API key I'd be up for taking a look for the 3D model.

LiamOSullivan commented 4 years ago

OD: I think we'd want to change the symbology and do a choropleth of cases normalized by population...but I realise I seem to be going against the trend with that.


RK : I saw the choropleth map for this and it look terrible and also misleading. Difficult to explain why without showing you it. For a portion of the country – say middle of Dublin it would probably work okay. The dashboard at present does have for both cases and normalized rates. Need both as for some EDs where pop is low rate gives a misleading impression.

LiamOSullivan commented 4 years ago

RK: I think another issue is the data is for individual cases, but it is really cluster data. For example, there is an ED near me with 5 cases (it also has low pop so rate wise it looks bad). That is probably a single household where everyone got it. In some EDs a lot of individual cases are actually clusters in nursing home or direct provision. If the data were displayed as households or clusters it would give a different impression.