BuildingSync / schema

BuildingSync® Schema
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Schema modifications for CO2e #436

Closed kflemin closed 2 years ago

kflemin commented 2 years ago

Adding CO2e fields.

  1. Added to AllResourceTotal:
    1. AnnualAverageCarbonEmissions
    2. AnnualMarginalCarbonEmissions
  2. Added to ResourceUse -> Emissions -> Emission:
    1. EmissionsLinkedTimeSeriesIDs -> EmissionsLinkedTimeSeriesID
  3. Added to TimeSeries -> TimeSeriesReadingQuantity
    1. Enum "Emissions"
  4. SCENARIO TYPES changes:
    1. Added to ScenarioType -> CurrentBuilding:
      1. Nothing
    2. Added to ScenarioType -> Benchmark:
      1. Nothing
    3. Added to ScenarioType -> Target:
      1. AnnualSavingsAverageCarbonEmissions
      2. AnnualSavingsMarginalCarbonEmissions
    4. Added to ScenarioType -> PackageOfMeasures:
      1. AnnualSavingsAverageCarbonEmissions
      2. AnnualSavingsMarginalCarbonEmissions
      3. Added to ScenarioType -> Other:
        1. AnnualSavingsAverageCarbonEmissions
        2. AnnualSavingsMarginalCarbonEmissions
    5. Added ScenarioType -> DerivedModel :
      1. Nothing


nllong commented 2 years ago

This is great @kflemin, thanks! Can you add a proposal in this folder too? You PR text already has a bunch of the required data. Thanks!

kflemin commented 2 years ago

@nllong, done!

kflemin commented 2 years ago

@laurenliz22 sorry i had missed a bunch of stuff in the other files. everything should be updated now.

kflemin commented 2 years ago

@nllong, @laurenliz22 FYI: this latest commit changes units (from kg co2e to metric tons co2e) on 2 existing fields:

GHGEmissions AvoidedEmissions

So this makes it a breaking change now, is that correct?

nllong commented 2 years ago

Yikes, this is the first time that a unit is making a new breaking change. For elements that are breaking changes we typically just add two elements and mark the old as as "do be deprecated". I'm not sure how to do that with the units/annotations. Thoughts?

Also, we just changed seed to be MtCO2e because that is what ESPM is using. Sorry to flip-flop on all of that. So those will be the units for the annual totals!

laurenliz22 commented 2 years ago

@markborkum the auc:EmissionBoundary element and the auc:EmissionsFactor for emissions related to electricity were not altered for the GHG Metric updates made to the schema. If we change these then we will cause a breaking change. We are going to add it to our list for future changes regarding GHG Emissions we may need to make that will cause breaking changes. Let me know if you have any questions/concerns. Thanks