Builditluc / wiki-tui

A simple and easy to use Wikipedia Text User Interface
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[FEATURE] Vector or box sizes of logo.png #207

Closed ethamck closed 11 months ago

ethamck commented 11 months ago

logo.png is, as far as I can find, only offered in an odd 468x334 format. In many cases, an SVG or box-sized raster (like 128x128) is much more useful for launchers and similar software.

If you have any other formats that can be easily converted to any square multiple-of-two size, it might be beneficial to upload them to the repository, as it would allow the desktop entry from #44 to have a corresponding image in proper size. These icons can then be added (by package maintainers) to the default hicolor theme as per the freedesktop specifications. The ArchWiki has some extra information about this.

If you don't have any other formats, it could be possible to simply crop and scale the original, but this can result in quality loss.

icons may be a good directory option to place these icons, as dnkl's foot does

Builditluc commented 11 months ago

Hey @ethamck! You're absolutely correct that it would be beneficial to have the logo available as an SVG or box-sized raster. But unfortunately, I created the logo with carbon meaning that this isn't a "real logo" (I cannot design a logo myself...). If it helps, I can export it as an SVG but the aspect ratio would be the same (the weird format).

ethamck commented 11 months ago

If you can export as any size of SVG, it's possible to simply crop it to the desired box size. I could do this using Inkscape if you don't have any way yourself.

Builditluc commented 11 months ago

I've now exported it into an SVG (chosen a different aspect-ratio)


ethamck commented 11 months ago

Apparently that SVG is about 230 kilobytes, which is quite absurd for something this simple. As a comparison, I made one that looks almost identical in 603 bytes.


<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
  <rect width="1024" height="1024" rx="64" ry="64"/>
  <circle cx="96" cy="96" r="32" fill="red"/>
  <circle cx="181.3" cy="96" r="32" fill="#ff0"/>
  <circle cx="266.7" cy="96" r="32" fill="#0f0"/>
  <path fill="#74e500" d="M349 256v15h12v-15h-12zm58 0v97h12v-28l9-8 25 36h15l-32-43 27-27h-14l-30 29v-56h-12zm96 0v15h12v-15h-12zm309 0v15h11v-15h-11zm-162 7v20h-18v9h18v38c0 9 2 15 6 18 3 4 9 5 18 5h14v-9h-13c-5 0-8-1-10-3s-3-6-3-11v-38h26v-9h-26v-20h-12zm-412 20 17 70h11l11-38 11 38h11l16-70h-11l-12 57-10-36h-10l-10 36-12-57h-12zm93 0v9h18v52h-23v9h58v-9h-23v-61h-30zm154 0v9h18v52h-22v9h57v-9h-23v-61h-30zm309 0v9h18v52h-23v9h57v-9h-23v-61h-29zm-81 0v44c0 9 2 16 5 21 4 5 9 7 16 7a22 22 0 0 0 21-12v10h11v-70h-11v40c0 7-2 13-5 16-2 4-7 6-12 6s-8-1-10-4c-3-3-4-8-4-14v-44h-11zm-144 30v10h32v-10h-32z"/>
  <path fill="#ac9393" d="M127 317v27q7 0 11-4 4-3 4-10 0-5-3-9-4-3-12-4zm0 55h-6v-19l-13-1-12-4v-12q6 4 13 6l12 2v-28q-12-2-19-8-6-6-6-15 0-10 7-16 6-5 18-6v-15h6v15l10 1 11 3v10l-11-4-10-2v27q13 2 20 8t7 16q0 10-8 16-7 7-19 7zm-6-67v-26q-6 1-10 4-4 4-4 9 0 6 4 9 3 3 10 4z"/>

(It uses the DejaVu Sans Mono font and has an original size of 1024x1024)

Builditluc commented 11 months ago

Oh wow, didn't notice that huge size. The SVG you made looks awesome (more colorful than the current one). Could you maybe "cut it in half", so that there isn't that huge empty space below $ wiki-tui?

ethamck commented 11 months ago

In half:

Literally "cut in half"

<svg xmlns="" width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
    <rect width="1024" height="512" y="256" rx="64" ry="64"/>
    <circle cx="96" cy="352" r="32" fill="red"/>
    <circle cx="181.3" cy="352" r="32" fill="#ff0"/>
    <circle cx="266.7" cy="352" r="32" fill="#0f0"/>
    <path fill="#74e500" d="M349 512v15h12v-15zm58 0v97h12v-28l9-8 25 36h15l-32-43 27-27h-14l-30 29v-56zm96 0v15h12v-15zm309 0v15h11v-15zm-162 7v20h-18v9h18v38c0 9 2 15 6 18 3 4 9 5 18 5h14v-9h-13c-5 0-8-1-10-3s-3-6-3-11v-38h26v-9h-26v-20zm-412 20 17 70h11l11-38 11 38h11l16-70h-11l-12 57-10-36h-10l-10 36-12-57zm93 0v9h18v52h-23v9h58v-9h-23v-61zm154 0v9h18v52h-22v9h57v-9h-23v-61zm309 0v9h18v52h-23v9h57v-9h-23v-61zm-81 0v44c0 9 2 16 5 21 4 5 9 7 16 7a22 22 0 0 0 21-12v10h11v-70h-11v40c0 7-2 13-5 16-2 4-7 6-12 6s-8-1-10-4c-3-3-4-8-4-14v-44zm-144 30v10h32v-10z"/>
    <path fill="#ac9393" d="M127 573v27q7 0 11-4 4-3 4-10 0-5-3-9-4-3-12-4zm0 55h-6v-19l-13-1-12-4v-12q6 4 13 6l12 2v-28q-12-2-19-8-6-6-6-15 0-10 7-16 6-5 18-6v-15h6v15l10 1 11 3v10l-11-4-10-2v27q13 2 20 8t7 16q0 10-8 16-7 7-19 7zm-6-67v-26q-6 1-10 4-4 4-4 9 0 6 4 9 3 3 10 4z"/>

Extra gap:

Alternate version

<svg xmlns="" width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024">
    <rect width="1024" height="640" y="192" rx="64" ry="80"/>
    <circle cx="96" cy="288" r="32" fill="red"/>
    <circle cx="181.3" cy="288" r="32" fill="#ff0"/>
    <circle cx="266.7" cy="288" r="32" fill="#0f0"/>
    <path fill="#74e500" d="M349 448v15h12v-15zm58 0v97h12v-28l9-8 25 36h15l-32-43 27-27h-14l-30 29v-56zm96 0v15h12v-15zm309 0v15h11v-15zm-162 7v20h-18v9h18v38c0 9 2 15 6 18 3 4 9 5 18 5h14v-9h-13c-5 0-8-1-10-3s-3-6-3-11v-38h26v-9h-26v-20zm-412 20 17 70h11l11-38 11 38h11l16-70h-11l-12 57-10-36h-10l-10 36-12-57zm93 0v9h18v52h-23v9h58v-9h-23v-61zm154 0v9h18v52h-22v9h57v-9h-23v-61zm309 0v9h18v52h-23v9h57v-9h-23v-61zm-81 0v44c0 9 2 16 5 21 4 5 9 7 16 7a22 22 0 0 0 21-12v10h11v-70h-11v40c0 7-2 13-5 16-2 4-7 6-12 6s-8-1-10-4c-3-3-4-8-4-14v-44zm-144 30v10h32v-10z"/>
    <path fill="#ac9393" d="M127 509v27q7 0 11-4 4-3 4-10 0-5-3-9-4-3-12-4zm0 55h-6v-19l-13-1-12-4v-12q6 4 13 6l12 2v-28q-12-2-19-8-6-6-6-15 0-10 7-16 6-5 18-6v-15h6v15l10 1 11 3v10l-11-4-10-2v27q13 2 20 8t7 16q0 10-8 16-7 7-19 7zm-6-67v-26q-6 1-10 4-4 4-4 9 0 6 4 9 3 3 10 4z"/>
Builditluc commented 11 months ago

I would say the "in half" one looks the best. Would you mind creating a pull request adding the updated icon (just replace the old logo.png and docs/assets/images/logo.png)? That way you are clearly marked in the changelog! I can then go ahead and put the logo in icons/hicolor/logo.svg.

Thank you for updating the logo! ❤️