Bukimedia / PrestaSharp

CSharp .Net client library for the PrestaShop API via web service
GNU General Public License v3.0
154 stars 152 forks source link

Connection Error : request aborted, could not create ssl tls secure channel #288

Open ManuWeb51 opened 6 years ago

ManuWeb51 commented 6 years ago

Hi, Since a server migration this monday (now on a Debian 9 dedicated server), my VB.NET application can't connect anymore Prestashop API (webservices). I have this response : "full #########{masked_key}#################### Basic #########{masked_key}####################################### text/xml La demande a été abandonnée : Impossible de créer un canal sécurisé SSL/TLS. HttpStatusCode: 0" In english : "request aborted, could not create ssl tls secure channel"

However, I can read good results on Firefox with direct url https://www.mydomain.com/api/ But all communication with PrestaSharp return same result error... I confirm that all Prestashop parameters are ok and all my websites are ok. Please, have you got a clue about it ?

ManuWeb51 commented 6 years ago

My temporary solution : disable SSL certificate when directory url is /api

pkarop commented 6 years ago

Is there a solution for this?

florianflure commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'd like to know if there is a solution for this as well. Cheers