Bukimedia / PrestaSharp

CSharp .Net client library for the PrestaShop API via web service
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CustomerFactory doesn't work as expected with Prestashop 8.0 #457

Open twoedges opened 1 year ago

twoedges commented 1 year ago

Library Version:


NuGet Package Url:


Prestashop version:


Describe the Bug: i'm trying to get customer data releated to order via id_customer member

CustomerFactory customerFactory = new CustomerFactory(baseUrl, account, password);
var query= customerFactory.Get((long)item.id_customer);

query value is null

also following methods return no results

Prestashop run into docker container (https://hub.docker.com/r/prestashop/prestashop/) with this configuration

twoedges commented 1 year ago


customerFactory work fine with PrestaShop ver

jesiiu commented 1 year ago

customerFactory.GetByFilter(null, null, null) doesn't work (return null) You should first null in GetByFilter replace with Dictionary with filters

twoedges commented 1 year ago
  • customerFactory.GetIds()

ok, but what about GetIds() method?

LameuleFR commented 7 months ago

Look like a Prestashop problem. We use CustomerFactory with PS 8.1.2 and it work correctly.