Bukit-Vista / roadmap

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Revenue / Increase Conversion Rate 20% daily consistently #25

Closed krisnaBukitVista closed 1 week ago

krisnaBukitVista commented 3 months ago


The objective of this project is to enhance the existing AI system, MOR, to automatically offer cross-selling opportunities. The enhancements will include updating event information, integrating hyperlinks for quicker manual follow-up, adding more models to offer on short periods of checking out, and incorporating guest sentiment analysis for validation.



task written on GAIA MOR @1.1 here Update the Event Information

Add More Models to Offer on Short Period of Checking Out

Add Validation Based on Guest Sentiment Analysis

Measurement metrics

Conversion Rate: Track the percentage of follow-up inquiries that result in bookings.


The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for this project is to achieve a 20% conversion rate on follow-up inquiries within one month of implementing the enhancements.

Prioritization result




Team Member


katibpasha commented 1 month ago

Will be evaluated by @katibpasha

katibpasha commented 2 weeks ago

Evaluation Result

The development stage has been finished on Aug 16th 2024.

Model Improvement

Slack Message UI Improvement

Inquiry Conversion Rate

Based on this dataVista visualization, we successfully achieved the minimum target of inquiry conversion rate for 20% Image


We have met our minimum target for the inquiry conversion rate, achieving a 20% success rate as confirmed by the DataVista visualization.

cc @krisnaBukitVista @Vidiskiu

Vidiskiu commented 1 week ago
Overall Point: 6.1

Functional Complexity: 1.1

Enhancing the AI system to support cross-selling involves several functional improvements which are innovative but fairly complex to integrate cohesively.

Technical Complexity: 1.1

Technical complexity is high due to the integration of sentiment analysis and the need to update models for different scenarios, although existing frameworks and methodologies may ease the process.

UI/UX Complexity: 0.6

While UI/UX changes seem minor, the incorporation of hyperlinks and clear labeling demands thoughtful design to improve efficiency for manual follow-ups.

Data Manipulation: 0.9

Significant data manipulation is required to manage event information, sentiment analysis data, and model outputs to provide actionable insights.

Testing: 0.5

Rigorous testing is necessary to ensure the reliability of new features and their impact on conversion rates, warranting maximum score within this category.

Dependencies: 0.4

There are dependencies such as external sentiment analysis tools and data from Airbnb which add complexity, but these integrations are manageable given prior experience.

Risk and Uncertainty: 0.5

Any update to the revenue-generating components includes the risk that changes may not yield the expected conversion rate increase, justifying the highest score within this limit.

User Impact: 1

Successfully improving conversion rates and guest experiences with more personalized follow-ups has a direct and substantial impact on revenue and user satisfaction, deserving the highest allocation.