Bukit-Vista / roadmap

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Feed - AION as agent specialized for content creator and distributor #48

Open krisnaBukitVista opened 3 weeks ago

krisnaBukitVista commented 3 weeks ago


This project is focused on improving both BVGO adoption and partner engagement through two key initiatives: first, by integrating essential operational activities from Hubspot into BVGO, and second, by enhancing our relationships with property owners through personalized notifications that celebrate key milestones. We are also introducing a new agent, Aion, inspired by the Hellenistic deity associated with time and the universe, who will specialize in crafting engaging content for these initiatives. These efforts will boost transparency, streamline communication, and foster stronger connections with our partners.


Currently, there is a lack of seamless communication and display of key operational activities for partners within BVGO. Additionally, our communication with property owners has been largely operational, leaving significant moments unacknowledged. This creates gaps in both transparency and personal connection, which can hinder partner trust and engagement.


Measurement Metrics


Prioritization result

Team Member


krisnaBukitVista commented 3 weeks ago

Owner Key Moment Celebration Plan:

  1. Bali Celebrations

    • Celebrate Bali’s cultural and traditional events (e.g., Galungan, Nyepi).
    • Notification timing: On the day of each celebration.
    • Message content: Include warm wishes tied to the cultural significance of the event.
  2. Guest Milestones

    • Celebrate reaching key guest milestones (e.g., First Guest, 10 guests, 50 guests, 100 Guests, 150 guests, 200 guests, 250 guests, 300 guests, 350 guests, 400 guests, 450 guests, ... , 1000 guets)
    • Notification timing: Automatically triggered on the day each milestone is achieved.
    • Message content: Congratulate the owner with enthusiasm.
  3. Review Milestones

    • Celebrate review milestones (e.g., First Review, 10 reviews, 25 reviews, 50 reviews, 75 reviews, 100 reviews, 125 reviews, 150 reviews, ... , 1000 reviews)
    • Notification timing: Triggered on the day the milestone is achieved.
    • Message content: Acknowledge their hard work and positive feedback.
  4. Contract Anniversary

    • Celebrate the owner’s contract anniversary.
    • Notification timing: On the anniversary date.
    • Message content: Express appreciation for their partnership and reflect on the past year(s).
  5. Staff and Owner Birthdays

    • Send personalized birthday greetings.
    • Notification timing: On the birthday date.
    • Message content: Share warm birthday wishes and appreciation.
  6. Revenue Milestones

    • Celebrate revenue milestones (e.g., 1K, 10K, 100K, 1,000K in revenue).
    • Notification timing: Automatically triggered on the day of the milestone.
    • Message content: Celebrate their financial success and offer encouragement.
  7. Melaspas Milestones

  8. Money back guarantee

Data Visualization

A dashboard will be provided to the partnership team, showing upcoming special moments so they can better prepare or engage when needed.

Measurement Metrics:


krisnaBukitVista commented 3 weeks ago




krisnaBukitVista commented 2 weeks ago

content for aion.pdf

bstiawan commented 1 day ago

Project evaluation: