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Hospitality / 100% Auto Review Reply, 80% accuracy based on supervisor #7

Closed bstiawan closed 3 weeks ago

bstiawan commented 3 weeks ago

Problem: we still have lot of issues with the auto review reply suggestion Solution: Enhance the prompt and provide basic categorization for bad review Measurement:

Current evaluation:

Current analysis:

Vidiskiu commented 3 weeks ago

Overall Point: 5.3

Functional Complexity: 0.7

Enhancing prompt for auto review reply and categorizing reviews is moderately complex as it requires understanding of the review content and user experience.

Technical Complexity: 1.2

Achieving a higher rate of auto review reply accuracy involves natural language processing and machine learning, which is technically demanding.

UI/UX Complexity: 0.4

The UI/UX aspect is probably not extensively affected, given the backend-centric nature of the issue. However, minor adjustments might be required to present categorizations or any new feedback to the user.

Data Manipulation: 0.8

Manipulation of review content data is required, but it builds on existing systems and thus is not maximally complex.

Testing: 0.3

Testing for accuracy of natural language processing requires extensive and carefully crafted test cases, but does not necessarily represent a maximum complexity.

Dependencies: 0.4

Dependencies may include NLP libraries or services, but as these are improvements to an existing system, they should not induce maximum complexity.

Risk and Uncertainty: 0.5

There is high risk and uncertainty involved due to the nature of machine learning accuracy and reliability in NLP, which can have unpredictable results.

User Impact: 1

Improving the accuracy of auto review replies has a high impact on user experience, efficiency, and satisfaction with the service, and is thus scored at the maximum within the defined range.