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Improve Average Time on Page to Bali Event Calendar #8

Closed bstiawan closed 2 weeks ago

bstiawan commented 3 weeks ago




Measurement metrics

Current measurements:




Vidiskiu commented 2 weeks ago

Overall Point: 5.1

Functional Complexity: 1

Enhancement to the filter functionality requires careful consideration of the logic that determines which events are displayed, which moderately increases functional complexity.

Technical Complexity: 1.1

The technical work needed to expand event filter ranges and implement partial page loads involves non-trivial back-end logic and possibly front-end adjustments.

UI/UX Complexity: 0.8

Changes to the filter will have a direct impact on the user interface, requiring UX consideration to ensure it remains intuitive.

Data Manipulation: 0.9

The solution involves manipulating event data to ensure correct display based on the new filter parameters, representing a considerable amount of data operation.

Testing: 0.3

Testing the new filter logic and page load performance is required, but tools and frameworks should be in place to facilitate this.

Dependencies: 0.5

The enhancement may rely on existing filtering libraries or frameworks, but also introduces some new dependencies for partial page loading.

Risk and Uncertainty: 0.3

There's some risk in modifying existing filters and page load behavior, but these are well-understood areas with predictable outcomes if managed properly.

User Impact: 0.2

While the change is aimed to improve user engagement, its impact on overall user experience is expected to be moderate given that it's a targeted optimization.