Open Zhuxitong opened 6 days ago
Hi, you can prepare the cDNA file like this,
from Bio import SeqIO
records = SeqIO.parse("yourGenome.fa", "fasta")
chr2seq = {}
for record in records:
id = str(
chr2seq[] = str(record.seq)
REVERSE_COMPLEMENT = {'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', 'N': 'N'}
def extract_seq(chr, start, end):
seq = chr2seq[chr][start:end]
return seq
with open("Organism.cdna.fa", 'w') as w:
with open("your.gff") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("#"):
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
if fields[2] == "transcript":
chr = fields[0]
tstart = int(fields[3]) - 1
tend = int(fields[4])
strand = fields[6]
transcript_id = "up to your format";gene_id = "up to your format"
line = f.readline()
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
exon_seqs = ""
while line.startswith("chr") and fields[2] == "exon":
estart = int(fields[3]) - 1;eend = int(fields[4])
exon_seqs += extract_seq(chr, estart, eend)
line = f.readline()
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
exon_seqs = exon_seqs.upper()
exon_seqs = exon_seqs if strand == "+" else "".join([REVERSE_COMPLEMENT[base] for base in exon_seqs[::-1]])
if exon_seqs:
Is there a pipeline to obtain required input annotation files for any other genomes? For example, I have rice genome sequences in fasta and annotations in gff format, how to prepare the required files similar to those files under hg38REF directory.
We did not download those files from Emsembl so I think the script preprocess_for_other_organisms.ipynb can not be easily used.
Thank you so much!