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BulletTech/Main_Course/Machine_Learning/2022-02-03-Uplift-Model/ #8

Open utterances-bot opened 1 month ago

utterances-bot commented 1 month ago

因果推断之Uplift Model - BulletTech

We are a team of a few data scientists working in the financial industry. Here is the place where we share practical analytics skills, working and life experience. Enjoy your time here!


MaShantao commented 1 month ago

模型因此强依赖于条件独立假设CIA(Conditional Independent Assumption),即要求用户特征和干预策略相互独立。 所以最后的label是咋选的?从实验组AB里面找一个特征相似的样本对,然后计算因变量结果的diff作为标签???

MaShantao commented 1 month ago
