BullsEye0 / dorks-eye

Dorks Eye Google Hacking Dork Scraping and Searching Script. Dorks Eye is a script I made in python 3. With this tool, you can easily find Google Dorks. Dork Eye collects potentially vulnerable web pages and applications on the Internet or other awesome info that is picked up by Google's search bots. Author: Jolanda de Koff
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
584 stars 123 forks source link

Traceback error #18

Open archl0ver opened 4 months ago

archl0ver commented 4 months ago

if you get this error just edit this section for results in search(dork, num=int(amount), stop=int(amount), pause=2): to for results in search(dork): # Remove 'pause' argument print(results) time.sleep(2) # Delay between requests (adjust as needed)