BullyWiiPlaza / JMaster-Duel-Bot

A mod and bot for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel (Steam version)
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Duel Bot Not taking Negate into account Burn Nurse #9

Closed marder1991 closed 2 years ago

marder1991 commented 2 years ago

So, IDK if it is a bug or just an oversight the burn nurse duel bot will still attempt to activate Healing traps even if Darkworld Nurse or bad reaction to simochi have their effects negated but still on the field, if it's a bug I assume you will fix it when you get the chance, if it's an oversight can you add a check for cards being negated, I know your using screen shots to run bot negated cards have a circle with a cross through them, if you could get the burn nurse bot to check for this it would be awesome thanks

marder1991 commented 2 years ago

While I'm thinking about it a feature for users to add their own fork conditions, as well as build their own duel bots using fork conditions and card priority would be awesome.

BullyWiiPlaza commented 2 years ago

Hi, it wasn't implemented because I currently have no good way to check for negated cards and using image searching is not very reliable and if you get one of the reverse healing cards negated you mostly lost anyway so that wasn't important enough to work on.

About custom duel bots, this was requested a few times but would you be interested in writing a script for it or do you just hope someone else will and then nobody feels responsible to work on something. I won't make and release this type of feature if people aren't willing to put some effort into it. This means it won't be a few lines of code but rather 1000s for a decent duel bot which can handle most situations properly like the nurse burn bot. You literally have to hand write everything, the decision making, simulated clicks etc., the computer does not know anything whatsoever about playing intelligently or how to confirm/refuse pop-ups. Konami's duel AI cannot be re-used at all.

marder1991 commented 2 years ago

you make a fire point, could you implement YGO pro's duel ai, and sorry if I am mistaken I thought you where using image searching, for the bot to begin with because of the log, again sorry was not trying to be annoying just thought I would bring it up thanks for the info.

marder1991 commented 2 years ago

Lastly your work is awesome, and thanks for the bot.

BullyWiiPlaza commented 2 years ago

you make a fire point, could you implement YGO pro's duel ai, and sorry if I am mistaken I thought you where using image searching, for the bot to begin with because of the log, again sorry was not trying to be annoying just thought I would bring it up thanks for the info.

I use image searching for the menu navigation but not during duels. However, YGOPro is not the same game engine as Konami's so you cannot simply implement YGOPro's AI either. Doing any of this is not as easy as it seems to be, I already thought about it extensively. I only came up with making a new AI from scratch using Konami's API to get details about the duel and to supply duel commands (e.g. activate spell etc.) and I'm not AI expert either, nor can I do machine learning as some people suggest for the duel AI. It doesn't work for Yu-Gi-Oh! decks at all, they are constantly different. For the training/learning of the AI it would be possible if matchup decks were always exactly the same. Konami's AI also doesn't use machine learning nor do I think any AI for Yu-Gi-Oh! uses machine learning. For chess it works since it's basically the same matchup all the time.