Bumblebee-Project / Bumblebee

Bumblebee daemon and client rewritten in C
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.29k stars 144 forks source link

[DEBUG][XORG] Unrecognized option: ebug error on log #1065

Open dbachinin opened 3 years ago

dbachinin commented 3 years ago

Hi! I was install Bumblebee from Ubuntu binary package version 3.2.1-22 But command sudo modprobe bbswitch returned it modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'bbswitch': No such device

When I start bumblebee by this command: start bumblebeed -vv -debug and run optirun glxinfo I have it.

[ 1728.654955] [INFO]No Intel video card found, testing for system with an AMD APU.
[ 1728.655231] [DEBUG]Found card: 01:00.0 (discrete)
[ 1728.655238] [DEBUG]Found card: 05:00.0 (integrated)
[ 1728.655728] [DEBUG]Reading file: /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf
[ 1728.655864] [INFO]Configured driver: nvidia
[ 1728.655875] [DEBUG]Skipping auto-detection, using configured driver 'nvidia'
[ 1728.656289] [INFO]Loading driver 'bbswitch' (module 'bbswitch')
[ 1728.656714] [DEBUG]Loading module 'bbswitch'.
[ 1728.712577] [DEBUG]kmod_module_probe_insert_module(bbswitch) failed (err: -19).
[ 1728.712635] [DEBUG]bbswitch is not available, perhaps you need to insmod it?
[ 1728.712642] [INFO]Skipping switcheroo PM method because it is not explicitly selected in the configuration.
[ 1728.712650] [WARN]No switching method available. The dedicated card will always be on.
[ 1728.712654] [DEBUG]Active configuration:
[ 1728.712661] [DEBUG] bumblebeed config file: /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf
[ 1728.712667] [DEBUG] X display: ebug
[ 1728.712671] [DEBUG] LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/nvidia:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/nvidia
[ 1728.712678] [DEBUG] Socket path: /var/run/bumblebee.socket
[ 1728.712683] [DEBUG] pidfile: /var/run/bumblebeed.pid
[ 1728.712689] [DEBUG] xorg.conf file: /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia
[ 1728.712695] [DEBUG] xorg.conf.d dir: /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.d
[ 1728.712700] [DEBUG] Xorg binary: /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg
[ 1728.712705] [DEBUG] ModulePath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/nvidia-450/xorg,/usr/lib/xorg/modules,/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input
[ 1728.712710] [DEBUG] GID name: bumblebee
[ 1728.712717] [DEBUG] Power method: auto
[ 1728.712723] [DEBUG] Stop X on exit: 1
[ 1728.712733] [DEBUG] Driver: nvidia
[ 1728.712744] [DEBUG] Driver module: nvidia
[ 1728.712801] [DEBUG] Card shutdown state: 1
[ 1728.712880] [DEBUG]Configuration test passed.
[ 1728.713444] [INFO]bumblebeed 3.2.1 started
[ 1728.713591] [INFO]Initialization completed - now handling client requests
[ 1732.189928] [DEBUG]Accepted new connection
[ 1732.190761] [INFO]Starting X server on display ebug.
[ 1732.190788] [DEBUG]X server command line:[ 1732.190792] [DEBUG] /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg[ 1732.190798] [DEBUG] ebug[ 1732.190802] [DEBUG] -config[ 1732.190806] [DEBUG] /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia[ 1732.190809] [DEBUG] -configdir[ 1732.190814] [DEBUG] /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.d[ 1732.190817] [DEBUG] -sharevts[ 1732.190821] [DEBUG] -nolisten[ 1732.190825] [DEBUG] tcp[ 1732.190830] [DEBUG] -noreset[ 1732.190833] [DEBUG] -verbose[ 1732.190837] [DEBUG] 3[ 1732.190841] [DEBUG] -isolateDevice[ 1732.190843] [DEBUG] PCI:01:00:0[ 1732.190846] [DEBUG] -modulepath[ 1732.190850] [DEBUG] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/nvidia-450/xorg,/usr/lib/xorg/modules,/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input[ 1732.190855] [DEBUG]
[ 1732.191046] [DEBUG]Process /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg started, PID 9408.
[ 1732.198965] [DEBUG]Process with PID 9408 returned code 1
[ 1732.199144] [DEBUG][XORG] Unrecognized option: ebug
[ 1732.199160] [DEBUG][XORG] use: X [:<display>] [option]
[ 1732.199169] [DEBUG][XORG] -a #                   default pointer acceleration (factor)
[ 1732.199179] [DEBUG][XORG] -ac                    disable access control restrictions
[ 1732.199184] [DEBUG][XORG] -audit int             set audit trail level
[ 1732.199191] [DEBUG][XORG] -auth file             select authorization file
[ 1732.199197] [DEBUG][XORG] -br                    create root window with black background
[ 1732.199202] [DEBUG][XORG] +bs                    enable any backing store support
[ 1732.199210] [DEBUG][XORG] -bs                    disable any backing store support
[ 1732.199216] [DEBUG][XORG] -c                     turns off key-click
[ 1732.199223] [DEBUG][XORG] c #                    key-click volume (0-100)
[ 1732.199230] [DEBUG][XORG] -cc int                default color visual class
[ 1732.199235] [DEBUG][XORG] -nocursor              disable the cursor
[ 1732.199243] [DEBUG][XORG] -core                  generate core dump on fatal error
[ 1732.199251] [DEBUG][XORG] -displayfd fd          file descriptor to write display number to when ready to connect
[ 1732.199257] [DEBUG][XORG] -dpi int               screen resolution in dots per inch
[ 1732.199264] [DEBUG][XORG] -dpms                  disables VESA DPMS monitor control
[ 1732.199270] [DEBUG][XORG] -deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs
[ 1732.199280] [DEBUG][XORG] -f #                   bell base (0-100)
[ 1732.199290] [DEBUG][XORG] -fc string             cursor font
[ 1732.199297] [DEBUG][XORG] -fn string             default font name
[ 1732.199303] [DEBUG][XORG] -fp string             default font path
[ 1732.199309] [DEBUG][XORG] -help                  prints message with these options
[ 1732.199315] [DEBUG][XORG] +iglx                  Allow creating indirect GLX contexts
[ 1732.199321] [DEBUG][XORG] -iglx                  Prohibit creating indirect GLX contexts (default)
[ 1732.199327] [DEBUG][XORG] -I                     ignore all remaining arguments
[ 1732.199335] [DEBUG][XORG] -ld int                limit data space to N Kb
[ 1732.199340] [DEBUG][XORG] -lf int                limit number of open files to N
[ 1732.199347] [DEBUG][XORG] -ls int                limit stack space to N Kb
[ 1732.199356] [DEBUG][XORG] -nolock                disable the locking mechanism
[ 1732.199359] [DEBUG][XORG] -maxclients n          set maximum number of clients (power of two)
[ 1732.199364] [DEBUG][XORG] -nolisten string       don't listen on protocol
[ 1732.199372] [DEBUG][XORG] -listen string         listen on protocol
[ 1732.199379] [DEBUG][XORG] -noreset               don't reset after last client exists
[ 1732.199387] [DEBUG][XORG] -background [none]     create root window with no background
[ 1732.199396] [DEBUG][XORG] -reset                 reset after last client exists
[ 1732.199403] [DEBUG][XORG] -p #                   screen-saver pattern duration (minutes)
[ 1732.199409] [DEBUG][XORG] -pn                    accept failure to listen on all ports
[ 1732.199415] [DEBUG][XORG] -nopn                  reject failure to listen on all ports
[ 1732.199422] [DEBUG][XORG] -r                     turns off auto-repeat
[ 1732.199427] [DEBUG][XORG] r                      turns on auto-repeat 
[ 1732.199435] [DEBUG][XORG] -render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy
[ 1732.199442] [DEBUG][XORG] -retro                 start with classic stipple and cursor
[ 1732.199450] [DEBUG][XORG] -s #                   screen-saver timeout (minutes)
[ 1732.199459] [DEBUG][XORG] -seat string           seat to run on
[ 1732.199466] [DEBUG][XORG] -t #                   default pointer threshold (pixels/t)
[ 1732.199476] [DEBUG][XORG] -terminate             terminate at server reset
[ 1732.199482] [DEBUG][XORG] -to #                  connection time out
[ 1732.199488] [DEBUG][XORG] -tst                   disable testing extensions
[ 1732.199491] [DEBUG][XORG] ttyxx                  server started from init on /dev/ttyxx
[ 1732.199498] [DEBUG][XORG] v                      video blanking for screen-saver
[ 1732.199505] [DEBUG][XORG] -v                     screen-saver without video blanking
[ 1732.199512] [DEBUG][XORG] -wm                    WhenMapped default backing-store
[ 1732.199518] [DEBUG][XORG] -wr                    create root window with white background
[ 1732.199525] [DEBUG][XORG] -maxbigreqsize         set maximal bigrequest size 
[ 1732.199531] [DEBUG][XORG] +xinerama              Enable XINERAMA extension
[ 1732.199540] [DEBUG][XORG] -xinerama              Disable XINERAMA extension
[ 1732.199549] [DEBUG][XORG] -dumbSched             Disable smart scheduling and threaded input, enable old behavior
[ 1732.199558] [DEBUG][XORG] -schedInterval int     Set scheduler interval in msec
[ 1732.199566] [DEBUG][XORG] -sigstop               Enable SIGSTOP based startup
[ 1732.199571] [DEBUG][XORG] +extension name        Enable extension
[ 1732.199575] [DEBUG][XORG] -extension name        Disable extension
[ 1732.199578] [DEBUG][XORG] -query host-name       contact named host for XDMCP
[ 1732.199586] [DEBUG][XORG] -broadcast             broadcast for XDMCP
[ 1732.199595] [DEBUG][XORG] -multicast [addr [hops]] IPv6 multicast for XDMCP
[ 1732.199603] [DEBUG][XORG] -indirect host-name    contact named host for indirect XDMCP
[ 1732.199608] [DEBUG][XORG] -port port-num         UDP port number to send messages to
[ 1732.199612] [DEBUG][XORG] -from local-address    specify the local address to connect from
[ 1732.199617] [DEBUG][XORG] -once                  Terminate server after one session
[ 1732.199623] [DEBUG][XORG] -class display-class   specify display class to send in manage
[ 1732.199631] [DEBUG][XORG] -cookie xdm-auth-bits  specify the magic cookie for XDMCP
[ 1732.199637] [DEBUG][XORG] -displayID display-id  manufacturer display ID for request
[ 1732.199644] [DEBUG][XORG] [+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ]
[ 1732.199649] [DEBUG][XORG]                        enable/disable accessx key sequences
[ 1732.199657] [DEBUG][XORG] -ardelay               set XKB autorepeat delay
[ 1732.199664] [DEBUG][XORG] -arinterval            set XKB autorepeat interval
[ 1732.199670] [DEBUG][XORG] Device Dependent Usage
[ 1732.199676] [DEBUG][XORG] -modulepath paths      specify the module search path
[ 1732.199682] [DEBUG][XORG] -logfile file          specify a log file name
[ 1732.199688] [DEBUG][XORG] -configure             probe for devices and write an xorg.conf
[ 1732.199695] [DEBUG][XORG] -showopts              print available options for all installed drivers
[ 1732.199703] [DEBUG][XORG] -config file           specify a configuration file, relative to the
[ 1732.199709] [DEBUG][XORG]                        xorg.conf search path, only root can use absolute
[ 1732.199715] [DEBUG][XORG] -configdir dir         specify a configuration directory, relative to the
[ 1732.199722] [DEBUG][XORG]                        xorg.conf.d search path, only root can use absolute
[ 1732.199729] [DEBUG][XORG] -verbose [n]           verbose startup messages
[ 1732.199736] [DEBUG][XORG] -logverbose [n]        verbose log messages
[ 1732.199744] [DEBUG][XORG] -quiet                 minimal startup messages
[ 1732.199751] [DEBUG][XORG] -fbbpp n               set bpp for the framebuffer. Default: 8
[ 1732.199755] [DEBUG][XORG] -depth n               set colour depth. Default: 8
[ 1732.199760] [DEBUG][XORG] -gamma f               set gamma value (0.1 < f < 10.0) Default: 1.0
[ 1732.199765] [DEBUG][XORG] -rgamma f              set gamma value for red phase
[ 1732.199771] [DEBUG][XORG] -ggamma f              set gamma value for green phase
[ 1732.199777] [DEBUG][XORG] -bgamma f              set gamma value for blue phase
[ 1732.199781] [DEBUG][XORG] -weight nnn            set RGB weighting at 16 bpp.  Default: 565
[ 1732.199791] [DEBUG][XORG] -layout name           specify the ServerLayout section name
[ 1732.199798] [DEBUG][XORG] -screen name           specify the Screen section name
[ 1732.199808] [DEBUG][XORG] -keyboard name         specify the core keyboard InputDevice name
[ 1732.199813] [DEBUG][XORG] -pointer name          specify the core pointer InputDevice name
[ 1732.199819] [DEBUG][XORG] -nosilk                disable Silken Mouse
[ 1732.199825] [DEBUG][XORG] -flipPixels            swap default black/white Pixel values
[ 1732.199831] [DEBUG][XORG] -disableVidMode        disable mode adjustments with xvidtune
[ 1732.199840] [DEBUG][XORG] -allowNonLocalXvidtune allow xvidtune to be run as a non-local client
[ 1732.199848] [DEBUG][XORG] -allowMouseOpenFail    start server even if the mouse can't be initialized
[ 1732.199855] [DEBUG][XORG] -ignoreABI             make module ABI mismatches non-fatal
[ 1732.199860] [DEBUG][XORG] -isolateDevice bus_id  restrict device resets to bus_id (PCI only)
[ 1732.199865] [DEBUG][XORG] -version               show the server version
[ 1732.199873] [DEBUG][XORG] -showDefaultModulePath show the server default module path
[ 1732.199879] [DEBUG][XORG] -showDefaultLibPath    show the server default library path
[ 1732.199886] [DEBUG][XORG] -novtswitch            don't automatically switch VT at reset & exit
[ 1732.199892] [DEBUG][XORG] -sharevts              share VTs with another X server
[ 1732.199898] [DEBUG][XORG] vtXX                   use the specified VT number
[ 1732.199905] [DEBUG][XORG] -keeptty               don't detach controlling tty (for debugging only)
[ 1732.199916] [DEBUG][XORG] -masterfd <fd>         use the specified fd as the DRM master fd (not if setuid/gid)
[ 1732.199934] [ERROR][XORG] (EE) 
[ 1732.199940] [DEBUG][XORG] Fatal server error:
[ 1732.199943] [ERROR][XORG] (EE) Unrecognized option: ebug
[ 1732.199948] [ERROR][XORG] (EE) 
[ 1732.199955] [ERROR][XORG] (EE) 
[ 1732.199962] [DEBUG][XORG] Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support 
[ 1732.199969] [DEBUG][XORG]     at http://wiki.x.org
[ 1732.199977] [DEBUG][XORG]  for help. 
[ 1732.199986] [ERROR][XORG] (EE) 
[ 1732.199991] [ERROR]X did not start properly
[ 1732.200082] [DEBUG]Socket closed.
^[[B^C[ 2285.690057] [WARN]Received Interrupt signal.
[ 2285.690082] [DEBUG]Socket closed.
[ 2285.690255] [DEBUG]Killing all remaining processes.

My video card devices:

       description: VGA compatible controller
       product: NVIDIA Corporation
       vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
       physical id: 0
       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0
       version: a1
       width: 64 bits
       clock: 33MHz
       capabilities: pm msi pciexpress vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom
       configuration: driver=nvidia latency=0
       resources: irq:85 memory:fb000000-fbffffff memory:b0000000-bfffffff memory:c0000000-c1ffffff ioport:f000(size=128) memory:fc000000-fc07ffff
       description: VGA compatible controller
       product: Renoir
       vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]
       physical id: 0
       bus info: pci@0000:05:00.0
       version: c7
       width: 64 bits
       clock: 33MHz
       capabilities: pm pciexpress msi msix vga_controller bus_master cap_list
       configuration: driver=amdgpu latency=0
       resources: irq:45 memory:d0000000-dfffffff memory:e0000000-e01fffff ioport:c000(size=256) memory:fc500000-fc57ffff
dbachinin commented 3 years ago

I havent ' ebug' in my configs