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Bumblebee daemon and client rewritten in C
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RPM Packages for Bumblebee #153

Open gsgatlin opened 12 years ago

gsgatlin commented 12 years ago


I am creating packages for Red Hat type systems. I have a problem on CentOS 6 i686 only. The same package works fine on i686 and x86_64 fedora 15, 16, and 17 and x86_64 CentOS 6... Its quite odd. My laptop has 8 GB of RAM. It is a lenovo ideapad Y470. The rpms are stored at a yum repository at:




bumblebeed will not stay running. If you reboot and start it by hand it will work for one use. Like:

optirun glxgears

but once you close the glxgears window bumblebeed crashes. It does not do this on a 64 bit OS on the same system. (E.G. CentOS 6.2 x86_64) On 64 bit everything is working great. I've generated a bumblebee-bugreport-20120512_225151.tar.gz file which I will email.

I have more info which I will add in another section because its very long....

amonakov commented 11 years ago

So for fedora 17, how could I fix the issue with primus not being loaded and nVidia libGL being used to draw on the Intel card. Any ideas? Or at least maybe there could be some way to see why it fails to load?

Please understand how primusrun script works. Its only purpose is to adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that libGL.so.1 from primus comes first. You can run LD_DEBUG=libs primusrun glxgears to see which libGL.so is loaded and how it's searched.

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Ok. I lied! One last comment. See:


So It turns out I forgot to update the rpm on the f17 box and for some reason the /usr/lib64/primus directory was empty on f17. That was kind of a WTF moment. But after updating the rpm to my attempt 3 rpm it worked. So now with all this information I think I have everything I would need to create a rpm package for all these distros. For the primus rpm I can create a conditional that says if RHEL 6, BuildRequires: mesa-libGL-devel >= 8.0 and also if RHEL 6 Requires: mesa-libGL >= 8.0 and I think that should cover all possible cases. (Fedora 15 is End Of Lifed) Thank you so much for being patient with me.

I will post a version 4 soon with these 2 fixes to the primusrun script. Then I will test on all the various red hats with glxgears. Then I'll try to test some games. If bumblebee can get into fedora then maybe I can create an account at rpmfusion and elrepo to get primus to be added there. (So it'd be kind of more official) Also, that LD_DEBUG=libs trick will be quite valuable to me in many other ways I think. So really a huge thank you for that.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

to gsgatlin: Hi. Are you testing all bumblebee/bumblebee-nvidia stuff on Fedora 18 too? I am using F18 with latest updates (testing too) and offloading of nvidia graphics dont work for now...i have discovered, that it may be problem with bbswitch...can you please create new bbswitch package? i see that on github is bbswitch v0.5 and in NCSU repo is v0.4.1...thanks for answer

EDIT: with bbswitch v0.5 offloading dont work too.it was because of still loaded nouveau module. after installing bumblebee-nvidia offloading works...so finally it looks that all is working now(optirun too) =)

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Cool. Yeah. I'll try to make a new bbswiitch after I get primus packages ready. Thanks. I should have something ready soon. Glad you got it working prescott66.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

I hope it will be soon and we will receive new bbswitch for our optimus systems.thanks for your work man ;-) regards

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

Btw what about to create google+ page for informing about news?

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Hello. I will think about a google+ page. I know I need to update the docs if I can primus working on everything. I also need to update the docs about the "vmap allocation for size XXXXXXXX failed: use vmalloc= to increase size" error with 32 bit OS I mentioned a few comments back with bumblebee-nvidia. The solution was that you need to add kernel arguments to grub to get around that, though a better solution is to just use 64 bit OS and use multilib for 32 bit programs you need to run.

I have had some success with primus on fedora 17! So at least something works. (MInecraft seemed snappy at 60 fps with primusrun) But there was a bug for RHEL 6 that required rebuilding everything again. %{_lib} doesn't work on that platform so I use lib*/ instead now in the install section. Sadly I also discovered that the "mesa" packages in elrepo must not have this shared libglapi like fedora 17 does because I have to install mesa-libGLES to get rid of the "primus: fatal: failed to load PRIMUS_LOAD_GLOBAL" error. And then it segfaults if you install that package. The elrepo mesa rpms have this library in mesa-libGLES, while in fedora 17 mesa 8, the file is in the sub-package mesa-libglapi. So the two versions must be kind of different... (Even though they are both based off of mesa 8)

So I am going to see if I can make my own "mesa" for RHEL 6 based off of the fedora src rpm instead of the one from elrepo. Or see if the one from elrepo can be made to act more like the fedora mesa with respect to primus. One or the other. Hopefully I will have something to test after not too long. It is working fine on f17 so I'll try to upload those rpms later today if other people want to test that. I'll probably make a separate "yum repo" for this for RHEL 6 if I could get it to work so it won't clobber user's mesa libraries by accident. I'll let you guys know what I find out. I'll also try to upload for f16 f18 but I don't know how long it will before I can test those. (Maybe f16 will have the same issues as elrepo? Who knows until I test it..) Might take a few days while I work through this new rhel 6 problem with mesa. I really want to try to get this to work on RHEL 6 since that is my main OS I play games on. If I can't get it to work on RHEL 6 I wil still post the versions for fedora in those repos since I'm interested in switching to RHEL 7 when it comes out. Thanks.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

after updaing kernel to 3.7.1 in Fedora 18, i cant build nvidia driver. here is log. what can be wrong? :-( http://pastebin.com/EKcPRmPk

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Hello. Make sure you have a "kernel-devel" rpm installed that matches whatever kernel. (3.7.1) That is what that error means. If you didn't install via rpm you'll have to figure out how to also install the header files for that kernel. It should be possible. Its just that you will have to google it `cause I always use a Red Hat built kernel package and so I can't give instructions on say a kernel from kernel.org for example. (Never tried actually) Hope that helps.

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Just to update, make sure you have kernel-devel-3.7.1-2.fc18.x86_64 installed. I might be installing f18 later tonight or tomorrow so I'll see if I run into this as well. Right now I am messing around in f16.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

Reinstalled kernel-devel twice with no luck :-( tested with beta nvidia driver 313.09 and no luck too.please take a look at that... regards

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

it is strange that offloading of nvidia graphics card dont work without compiled nvidia driver...i think that bumblebee should work without it...

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

prescott66: Could it be this? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=892373

Please note I have not had a chance to look at this yet because.

a. f18 seems really really buggy. :) So it takes me like over an hour just to install it on my spare laptop. (I'm not kidding about that)

b. because of a, I did a yum dist-sync or whatever because of Keven's email on the devel mailing list so I didn't have updates testing enabled. But if I have time after the crazyness of work today I will see if I can look into it. You may have to use an older kernel until they fix it. I am sorry about that.

| it is strange that offloading of nvidia graphics card dont work without compiled nvidia driver...i think that bumblebee | should work without it...

The bumblebee-nvidia rpm creates a symlink of bumblebee.conf to either a nvidia or a nouveau conf file. If you straight up remove the bumblebee-nvidia rpm then the symlink reverts to pointing at the nouveau conf file. I guess you could change it by hand also. For me its easier to remove a rpm package. bumblebee does this through the use of a trigger.

So about primus. There is either

a. something wrong with rpmbuild on fedora 18 for multilib or

b. something wrong with my spec file for multilib. Although it worked fine on f17 so maybe I need to build on an older f18 or with an older rpmbuild. Just not sure yet what is going on.

I will figure out which it is later after work. As soon as I do and fix that problem it should be possible to add primus to fedora 17 and fedora 18 bumblebee repos. I'm going to try rebuilding VirtualGL on f18 to figure out what is really happening here since its also a multilib type package that my older build of is working fine with on f18.

Sadly, primus cannot work on fedora 16 and RHEL 6 due to a shared shared libglapi problem in mesa. (In stock RHEL 6 there isn't even a libglapi at all! ) I am looking into the possibility of making a mesa and a repo for mesa just for these operating systems however... (I have no idea if this will work or not at this early stage of working on it)

When I figure out what is going on with my multilib problems on f18 I will post the spec file and add primus to my repos. It seems to work great on f17 and f18 from what I can tell so far. I can't test 32 bit glxgears yet on f18 but the 64 bit version works fine and gives diagnostic output with the appropriate debug variables set up.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

man, thanks..i have fixed building with deleting version.h file, as is described in that bug report....but maybe there is needed to take a look at bumblebee itself, why it dont works 100%-ly.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

i think it is needed to create bbswitch v0.5 package for working bumblebee...because i think, that without bbswitch offloading works...

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

I have created a bbswitch-0.5.0-1 package but I need to test it further. Hopefully I will have something ready in the next couple of days to push out as an update.

See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=893204

For more information about what I was talking about with primus and installing for multilib in fedora 18. The problem is inside of rpm itself from what I can tell.

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

I have created packages for primus for fedora 18 and fedora 17. The are installed into my repo. You can install with:

yum install primus

or for those needing both 32 and 64 bit support:

yum install primus.x86_64 primus.i686

I will try to add some docs to my site about this software at some point in the not too distant future.

The spec file is here: http://pastebin.com/kr4aQe9q

The patch for primusrun paths on fedora is here: http://pastebin.com/SieGS3NE

Hopefully I will be able to push out bbswitch 0.5 soon. I need to do further testing on this due to a bug in my 0.4.1 rpm I have to work around. Hopefully I'll have time to test it fully tomorrow.

Also, see:


This may affect my packages since they use dkms to build the kernel module bbswitch.

One other thing. I could not get primus to work in kernel 3.6-10 in fedora 18. But it worked fine on the kernel right before that. (3.6.6-3) So be warned fedora 18 is pre-release software at this point and you may have to help me figure out why stuff isn't working... primus seems to work fine with fedora 17 so I decided to just push this out now.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

how to use primus? i mean, which command is to use nvidia graphics via primus? optirun is not used anymore, right?

black-roland commented 11 years ago

prescott66, Just use primusrun insead of optirun. Primus is faster replacement of optirun.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

With latest updates in Fedora 18, is problem to compile nvidia driver...error: problem with module nvidia.ko what to do?

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Please see:


The answer is, I don't know...

I expect this third party module compiling issues will get better when fedora 18 is officially out? But if not, I dunno. A lot of people seem to be having nvidia issues even on desktops! Sheesh. I hope they can get this stuff working soon.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

when we can awaite bbswitch v0.5 in repo?

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

all issues are with kernel 3.7.1...with kernel 3.6.10 works all flawlessly...so many things/bugs must be fixed, so we will wait :-)

...i have tested performance with "primusrun glxgears" and i get only 60FPS. with "optirun glxgears" i get more than 500FPS...i konw that glxgears is not best tool to get real graphics 3D performance, but that difference is so big, like without nvidia graphics

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Check out the very end of this document: https://github.com/amonakov/primus under the FAQ.

Q: Performance does not exceed 60 fps, I was getting more with optirun/VirtualGL. A: This is the effect of vblank synchronisation. For benchmarking, you can use

vblank_mode=0 primusrun

..., but in practice this will probably only waste power, as your LCD panel does not display more than 60 frames per second anyway.

So hope that helps. I should be able to push out new bbswitch by tomorrow at the latest. Cheers.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

i can poweroff discrete graphics card only with switcheroo

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Ok. new bbswitch is in the repo. You can yum update to the newest version. You can verify this is working by typing:

modinfo bbswitch

I discovered a new bug with primus... :( I am sorry about that. Something weird is going on. I am going to try to subscribe to the packaging mailing list to ask for help next week. But in the meantime, you can workaround this bug by typing:

yum install primus

yum install primus.i686

if you need both versions. (32 bit and 64 bit)

Don't install both rpms at the same time. This is some kind of weird bug in my specfile. Sorry. Hope that helps. I'll try to look into the primus package bug next week when I have more time.

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

If you are a victim of the bug I am talking about, the directory


will be empty. Another possible workaround is to un-install and re-install the rpms. For whatever reason I could not duplicate this a second time without re-installing the PC. So maybe it only happens the first time you install these. Or it only happens intermittently.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

Can you please update VirtualGL to version 2.3.2 in repo too? thx

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Yes. You can yum update to VirtualGL 2.3.2-1 now. I've tested it this morning with "Minecraft" and "Shatter" and it seems to be working fine.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

already updated. thanks for your work ;-)

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Ok. I figured out that my bumblebee-nvidia package is nuking /usr/lib64/primus/libGL.so.1 when the nvidia installer is getting run on first boot up.. So I'll be pushing out a new version of bumblbee-nvidia package to fix that either late tonight or tomorrow.

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Ok, primus should work after a yum update and a reboot. primus only works on Fedora 17 and Fedora 18. Fedora 16 will reach end of life on 2013-02-12, and no further updates will be pushed out after that time so adding primus to f16 is not a priority for me. I have not decided if I am going to work on primus for RHEL 6 yet.

Here is a link to the bumblebee-nvidia script in this update: http://pastebin.com/mARBFgCJ

In it, /usr/lib/primus/libGL.so.1and /usr/lib64/primus/libGL.so.1 are added to the files that get backed up before the Nvidia installer runs. I also added a little section to validate that only a single "blob" is in /etc/sysconfig/nvidia/ and exit if the blob is missing or if there is more then one blob in that directory.

Here is a link to the primus spec file in this update going out also: http://pastebin.com/8FgPNdFy

I ran the primus spec and the packages through rpmlint and they seem to be ok. So I would say these should just work from now on. When new versions of primus come out we can just drop in new zip files and update the version and rebuild.

If you were to install from scratch on a newly installed fedora machine, the commands might look like:

yum -y install bumblebee-nvidia bumblebee bbswitch VirtualGL VirtualGL.i686 primus primus.i686

That would get you the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of both VirtuaGL and primus.

If for some reason you are still having trouble with primus after a yum update try un-installing and re-installing the primus packages. This shouldn't happen but just to be safe, I'll mention that. The packages that should get updated tonight would be bumblebee-nvidia, prinus.x86_64 and primus.i686. If you update one without the other, then you might have to un-install/re-install primus. The fix is in all three packages combined so that the primus update will put back the libraries before you reboot and bumblebee-nvidia will fix the script that will get run when you reboot. All of this needs to happen to fix the problem.


Someone has mentioned in bugzilla that the file /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia should have a

Section "Screen"

in it like /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nouveau does.


Is this correct? From what I can tell from a quick look this file is created by make and make install in bumblebee.


black-roland commented 11 years ago

Thanks for your work!

I get an error with nvidia-settings:

$ optirun nvidia-settings -c :8
nvidia-settings: error while loading shared libraries: libpangox-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Installing pangox-compat fixes that. Please add pangox-compat as dependency for bumblebee-nvidia.

prescott66 commented 11 years ago

i get only this: $ optirun nvidia-settings -c :8 [ 141.896594] [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU, secondary X is not active.

[ 141.896619] [ERROR]Aborting because fallback start is disabled.

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Updated some packages in my repos. A fresh install on fedora 18 should "just work" now. Sorry this didn't work on day 1 but sometimes these things take time...

bumblebee-nvidia-310.32-1: added in section when first installing package to blacklist the nouveau driver in kernel arguments in grub. If you notice problems after the kernel update today in fedora 17 to 3.7.3, I think the command you need to run is:

/sbin/grubby --update-kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-uname -r --args='nouveau.modeset=0 rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau'

Or, you could un-install then re-install the bumblebee-nvidia package. (Sorry about that!) If you go that route don't do that while logged into X windows. Instead do that on a virtual terminal, via ssh, etc.

I also added in dependency for pangox-compat on f18 and later only. (Package appears in f18) Thanks so much @prescott66 and @black-roland for the help with both of these problems.


added mesa-dri-drivers dependency. Removed bumblebee-nvidia dependency. (In case the nvidia drivers were installed some other way, such as suggested in some docs I've seen floating around.)


Adds support for a couple of new models of laptops such as Lenovo G580 and Lenovo G780. Regrettably, acpi-handle-hack will no longer work in fedora 17 or fedora 18 due to both distros updating to a 3.7.X kernel.. If you need acpi-handle-hack and you wish to use hybrid graphics you will need to use some other distro until this bugzilla gets resolved somehow:


If you care about fedora / red hat and you have an affected notebook model: To help it get addressed, you may wish to add yourself to the "CC list" to show red hat this is affecting some more fedora users. I have such a laptop but I think I can continue to compile my own patched kernels enough to do a little bit of fedora development still on these machines. I will try to keep up with where fedora is going. Fedora 18 was quite a challenge to get working.


gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Also, there are backticks around the "uname -r" part in the command above. Didn't get translated. doh.

Kostazk commented 11 years ago

I get "[ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: XORG Failed to load module "mouse" (module does not exist, 0)" when trying to optirun after using the instructions on http://techies.ncsu.edu/wiki/bumblebee. Any idea what might have gone wrong? F18 fully updated btw.

black-roland commented 11 years ago

Kostazk, Please cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/* and cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Kostazk commented 11 years ago

1) cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/* Section "InputClass" Identifier "tap-by-default" MatchIsTouchpad "on" Option "TapButton1" "1" EndSection

This file is autogenerated by system-setup-keyboard. Any

modifications will be lost.

Section "InputClass" Identifier "system-setup-keyboard" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XkbModel" "pc105+inet" Option "XkbLayout" "us"

Option "XkbVariant" "(null)"

Option      "XkbOptions"    "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp,"


2 ) cat: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

@Kostazk ,

Are you trying to use the nouveau drivers or the nvidia drivers as descibed here?:


I have not been able to get the nouveau drivers to work yet in f18.

Kostazk commented 11 years ago

I guess that explains it. I was aiming to use the nouveau drivers since 1 the last time I tried to get nvidia's working it rendered my system unbootable and 2 I had the impression that nouveau is usually easier to setup and use with updates later on due to it being open and developed alongside and for the other low level system components. Where will I be able to get updated if/when you manage to get nouveau working in F18?

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

If you want to try to help with the nouveau issue its issue #298

I did get the nvidia driver to work however if that helps you out in the meantime. Sorry about that.

Kostazk commented 11 years ago

I did look into that issue quite a few times but couldn't make much out of it. I think I'll stick to the current semi-working situation since at least I think power management works. If I wanted to start anew how would I reverse the steps taken from http://techies.ncsu.edu/wiki/bumblebee to apply the ones in http://techies.ncsu.edu/wiki/bumblebee-nvidia (which if I understand correctly is what I'll need to do to get bumblebee with nvidia's drivers)?

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Oh, you don't have to reverse anything. Its kind of addative. You add the bumblebee-nonfree repo and then you yum install bumblebee-nvidia and then reboot. And it should just work after that. So the commands are:

yum -y --nogpgcheck install http://install.linux.ncsu.edu/pub/yum/itecs/public/bumblebee-nonfree/fedora18/noarch/bumblebee-nonfree-release-1.0-1.noarch.rpm

yum -y install bumblebee-nvidia

You can also install primus but I haven't added that to the docs yet. I have to get that ready by saturday morning...

Hope that helps.

Kostazk commented 11 years ago

Worked like a peach! Huge thanks for your work and sorry to trouble you, the steps are all there but I was just cautious due to previous mishaps. Do you think potential future updates could break something? I'll obviously steer clear of test-updates repo..

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

We should be ok but I guess you never know? If an update breaks something you can report about it here or make a new issue under github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/ and I will try to get it working again if I can. Thanks for the feedback and glad bumblebee is working for you now. I'm going to try to make the wiki page a little better before Saturday when I'm going to do a little talk about some of this hybrid graphics stuff at this "FOSS fair" thing Red Hat is sponsoring here in Raleigh N.C. I'll mention the "nouveau issue on f18" when I get that wiki page updated soon. I also think now having two pages was a mistake so I'm going to try to combine it all into a single page.

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago


There are two packages that will be yum updated the next time you update.

bumblebee-nvidia-310.32-2 fixes an issue with the nvidia blob not compiling on kernel 3.7.6-202. The patch was made by Theodore Lee.

The second package, bumblebee-3.0.1-2 includes a patch created by Theodore Lee to address issue #283

The patch is here: http://pastebin.com/Tpy4KUx8

This also came up due to kernel 3.7.6-202 from fedora-updates-testing.

Special thanks to Theodore Lee for tracking down and sending in fixes for these issues in fedora 18!

One last thing I will mention is that VirtualGL has been removed from my test repository for fedora 16, 17, and 18. Instead, you get VirtualGL from the regular fedora channels. There is no need to add a repo any longer for that one package. It still remains in my test repo for now only for rhel 6 based distros due to difficulties getting it into epel 6 branch. epel 7, should be easy when it comes around in contrast.

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago

Actually, the bumblebee update tonight addresses an issue with kmod, which is updating now. Just got it in time hopefully.

gsgatlin commented 11 years ago


I updated my wiki page for Red Hat / fedora with more recent information. Sorry this didn't get finished up sooner.


There is just a single wiki article on everything I did now. It is kind of too long. If anything is wrong let me know and I can fix whatever it is. I did encourage users to use "primusrun" over "optirun" in my instructions now since that's where things are heading to.

vger79r commented 11 years ago

Hi, trying to install:

yum install primus.x86_64 primus.i686 VirtualGL.i686

I currently get the following errors on Fedora 18: --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: VirtualGL-2.3.2-2.fc18.x86_64 (@bumblebee) Requires: libturbojpeg.so()(64bit) Removing: turbojpeg-1.2.1-3.fc18.x86_64 (@fedora) libturbojpeg.so()(64bit) Updated By: turbojpeg-1.2.90-1.fc18.x86_64 (updates-testing) Not found Error: Package: VirtualGL-2.3.2-2.fc18.x86_64 (@bumblebee) Requires: libturbojpeg.so(TURBOJPEG_1.1)(64bit) Removing: turbojpeg-1.2.1-3.fc18.x86_64 (@fedora) libturbojpeg.so(TURBOJPEG_1.1)(64bit) Updated By: turbojpeg-1.2.90-1.fc18.x86_64 (updates-testing) Not found Error: Package: VirtualGL-2.3.2-2.fc18.x86_64 (@bumblebee) Requires: libturbojpeg.so(TURBOJPEG_1.0)(64bit) Removing: turbojpeg-1.2.1-3.fc18.x86_64 (@fedora) libturbojpeg.so(TURBOJPEG_1.0)(64bit) Updated By: turbojpeg-1.2.90-1.fc18.x86_64 (updates-testing) Not found

The dependency is due to VirtualGL.i686. I am using the TESTING branch of Fedora, this may be the source of the issue. For now I won't install the 32 libraries, until it gets solved.

As a side note, the new bumblebee-nvidia does leave the NVidia Card always turned on, therefore I will erase it from the system (again).