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Provide Test User Accounts in various states #1009

Open mikechambers opened 5 years ago

mikechambers commented 5 years ago

It would be incredibly useful to provide a couple of user test accounts across platforms in various states. Specifically:

Memberid, but has created no characters memberid, and a character which has not done any activities memberid and character, but no PVP activities

I am finding that the biggest issue in working with the API is making sure my code can handle these cases, as the APIs appear to not return some data structures depending on the state of the character.

Would make it much easier to test, and harden code.

mattybeard commented 5 years ago

Can’t be that hard to make your own can it? Doesn’t take 2 minutes to make a new account on your platform of choice.

mikechambers commented 5 years ago

I believe I would need to purchase as additional destiny license for some of the scenarios. (This may not be an issue though after new light is out).

ckhicks commented 5 years ago

This is a cool idea, even if we do community-sourced ones as common test cases. 🤔

soren42 commented 5 years ago

I have about a dozen accounts (to manage my dozen-plus clans), most of which haven't done anything but the first mission, if that. I can make another without creating any characters, too, if that would help you. However, as @mattybeard said, it only takes a moment or two to create new characters.

Regardless, I think creating a set of "independent" test characters would be ideal. I'll look at doing this over the next couple of days, then leaving them "frozen" for the community to use as test cases. I'm happy to share the membershipIds here for anyone else to use, although a list of states/test cases would be useful if you need something beyond the three listed above.

mikechambers commented 5 years ago

This is awesome. I would add accounts with various configurations of privacy settings.

Is it possible to create destiny accounts with characters for free? If so, i can help create some.

vthornheart-bng commented 5 years ago

Brilliant idea, and I dig that! Right now we don't have the bandwidth to come through and make this happen, but if you all are organizing for a community-driven solution, that is fantastic. I really appreciate it!

vthornheart-bng commented 5 years ago

I need to loop back with the New Light people to double check, but IIRC it should be much more feasible to make free accounts with actual Destiny characters once that launches.

soren42 commented 5 years ago

It's not a big deal on PS4, at least — sub-accounts on PSN are free, easy to create, and get licenses to all the main account's software. Destiny doesn't see them any differently than any other PlayStation account. The only thing they require is a unique email address, which isn't hard to generate.

I'll be working on this tonight, so once I'm done, I'll post a list of accounts for testing here. I love the idea of also creating some with various privacy settings enabled. One thing: these will all be PS4-created accounts, so if anyone needs PC-, XBox-, or Stadia-created accounts in these various states, that'll have to be done by someone else. (Well, I may be able to do the Stadia accounts once it launches, but I don't 100% know how game licensing will work on there across associated accounts yet.)

soren42 commented 5 years ago

For those interested, the sample account data can be found at https://destiny.technology/Community%20Testing%20Accounts.html. I'll be populating links to the Bungie.Net profiles, as well as the Destiny & Bungie membershipIds as I get them into the proper states indicated.

One thing I need to add (as I've looked at the API in setting these up) is cross-save enabled accounts, too. If there's anything else anyone sees that should be added to the use cases, please let me know. (You can reply to this message, mention me on API Discord, or contact me via Discord DM, where I'm @soren42#1701.)

soren42 commented 5 years ago

Also, @vthornheart-bng might it be possible to get a test user account banned? That would be a test state that I couldn't create myself without doing something I'd prefer not to do.

mikechambers commented 5 years ago

For those interested, the sample account data can be found at https://destiny.technology/Community%20Testing%20Accounts.html. I'll be populating links to the Bungie.Net profiles, as well as the Destiny & Bungie membershipIds as I get them into the proper states indicated.

This is exactly what I was looking for. Can you add platform to each entry? (I assume they are PS4)

ckhicks commented 5 years ago

So good - thanks for getting these set up!

soren42 commented 5 years ago

Happy to do it, but it's just a little slow-going. I'll be trying to knock out the next five tonight, but running the missions Homecoming through Spark (required to play Crucible or Gambit) is quite time consuming. (In other words, apologies for not making more progress so far!)

I'm going to be doing the next batch tonight, as well as adding one or two more use cases (e.g., using the account boost immediately, and then not logging in, boosting and running one mission, etc.).

Also, as per @mikechambers' request, I'll be adding some platform fields to the listing. Additionally, I'll be adding a json file with this data to the destiny.technology site so that you can parse these accounts programmatically in your test scripts.

vthornheart-bng commented 5 years ago

Dang, y'all are quick!

Okay, let me check with people and see if we would be allowed to ban a membership ID for this purpose. I can't guarantee that the security folks are going to allow it, but I'll check.