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~11/12 - The manifest will start including Destiny definitions per-type #1113

Open hellocontrol-bng opened 4 years ago

hellocontrol-bng commented 4 years ago

Related: #785

EDIT: This is for JSON only

For the deployment after our 10/29 deployment, we plan to include new paths to JSON definition files in the manifest. These will be per-type, in addition to the existing aggregate JSON file we serve now.

The filenames will be in the format DefinitionType-guid.json (e.g. DestinyInventoryItemDefinition-7b3e5ed6-3e9d-49a0-97c3-47ce4a20469c.json). You'll be able to get at them in the new jsonWorldComponentContentPaths in the manifest:

    "Response": {
        "jsonWorldContentPaths": {
            "en": "/common/destiny2_content/json/en/aggregate-7b3e5ed6-3e9d-49a0-97c3-47ce4a20469c.json",
        "jsonWorldComponentContentPaths": {
            "en": {
                "DestinyEnemyRaceDefinition": "/common/destiny2_content/json/en/DestinyEnemyRaceDefinition-7b3e5ed6-3e9d-49a0-97c3-47ce4a20469c.json",

These are available for all the existing definitions that appear in the aggregate file. The aggregate file won't go away - it will be accessible using the same jsonWorldContentPaths property as before.

NOTE Additionally, you'll see a new, special file listed called DestinyInventoryItemLiteDefinition. These definitions are identical to the item definitions, but a few of the properties are stripped. This is to reduce download size for users. It is important to know that this property is experimental and currently very much catered to our specific needs. It is available to you, but anyone using it should understand that it is highly likely to change without warning. Use at your own risk!

justrealmilk commented 4 years ago

Any chance it'll include DestinyHistoricalStatsDefinition?

t3rr11 commented 4 years ago

Any chance it'll include DestinyHistoricalStatsDefinition?

"And that detective is the right question"

bhollis commented 4 years ago

Very very exciting.

Will the lite version be documented? I’d love to figure out whether we could use it.

hellocontrol-bng commented 4 years ago

Any chance it'll include DestinyHistoricalStatsDefinition?

At this point, it will not - that is a pretty different thing, so it'd be a different exploration.

hellocontrol-bng commented 4 years ago

Will the lite version be documented? I’d love to figure out whether we could use it.

Most likely not for the initial launch - it's a special snowflake that doesn't really follow the normal rules and thus it will not be caught by the documentation generator. That said, if it is trivial to include, we may do so in the future.

ckhicks commented 4 years ago

Really, really love this direction. Thank you in advance!

sgtfrankieboy commented 4 years ago

Any chance it'll include DestinyHistoricalStatsDefinition?

Isn't it already available at the Destiny2.GetHistoricalStatsDefinition endpoint?

WilliamShimizu commented 4 years ago

This looks like a huge QOL improvement. I am working on my first bungie API-based app and after having read documentation, and seeing these json paths in my first manifest response, I was pretty excited.

(edit: I meant seeing json paths in the existing manifest response as of 11/7. Looking forward to 11/12!)