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Xbox Profile Characters Stat Issues #383

Open nine13tech opened 6 years ago

nine13tech commented 6 years ago

It appears that recovery has been replaced with recoil direction!

from https://www.bungie.net/Platform/Destiny2/1/Profile/4611686018436808004//?components=100,200, 202

        "characters": {
            "data": {
                "2305843009263600623": {
                    "membershipId": "4611686018436808004",
                    "membershipType": 1,
                    "characterId": "2305843009263600623",
                    "dateLastPlayed": "2018-01-24T02:37:28Z",
                    "minutesPlayedThisSession": "3",
                    "minutesPlayedTotal": "5763",
                    "light": 332,
                    "stats": {
                        "144602215": 0,
                        "392767087": 3,
                        "1735777505": 0,
                        "1885944937": 327,
                        "1935470627": 332,
                        "2715839340": 20,
                        "2996146975": 10,
                        "3555269338": 62,
                        "3897883278": 0,
                        "4244567218": 0

Correlation of hash with description for your ease of debug

144602215 {'description': 'Decreases the cooldown of your Super ability, allowing you to use it more often.\n\nFind and equip armor with Strength to boost this effect.', 'name': 'Intellect', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/717ab70234d28ce0afba4255dacd318f.png', 'hasIcon': True}
392767087 {'description': 'Increases the amount of damage you can take before dying.', 'name': 'Resilience', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/4673daaf8c2aed5fdf471521593bfc9f.png', 'hasIcon': True}
1735777505 {'description': 'Discipline decreases the cooldown time of your grenades, allowing you to use them more often.\n\nFind and equip armor with Discipline to boost this effect.', 'name': 'Discipline', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/ae945733cab4aaea228429e9dc2d2b2f.png', 'hasIcon': True}
1885944937 {'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
1935470627 {'description': 'Raising your Power increases the damage your abilities deal against higher-level enemies.', 'name': 'Power', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/ef41b4b17ee0fe6dc890a36ee50278c2.png', 'hasIcon': True}
2715839340 {'description': "The weapon's tendency to move while firing.", 'name': 'Recoil Direction', 'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
2996146975 {'description': 'Increases your movement speed and maximum jump height.', 'name': 'Mobility', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/491850618d2b85ba50c09fcbfaf6f177.png', 'hasIcon': True}
3555269338 {'description': "How much the weapon's scope can zoom in on targets.", 'name': 'Zoom', 'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
3897883278 {'description': 'Reduces incoming damage from your enemies.', 'name': 'Defense', 'icon': '/img/theme/destiny/icons/icon_defense.png', 'hasIcon': True}
4244567218 {'description': 'Strength reduces the cooldown time of your melee ability, allowing you to use it more often.\n\nFind and equip armor with Strength to boost this effect.', 'name': 'Strength', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/1ffcf6fdc84c25b0fff511d478192d2d.png', 'hasIcon': True}
nine13tech commented 6 years ago

I am not even sure what to say here, I'm not sure how fast my guardian reloads himself.... check out this craziness:

https://www.bungie.net/Platform/Destiny2/1/Profile/4611686018434710675/?components=100,200, 202

        "characters": {
            "data": {
                "2305843009267978795": {
                    "membershipId": "4611686018434710675",
                    "membershipType": 1,
                    "characterId": "2305843009267978795",
                    "dateLastPlayed": "2018-01-08T03:26:39Z",
                    "minutesPlayedThisSession": "25",
                    "minutesPlayedTotal": "2758",
                    "light": 335,
                    "stats": {
                        "144602215": 0,
                        "209426660": 70,
                        "392767087": 9,
                        "925767036": 75,
                        "1735777505": 0,
                        "1885944937": 330,
                        "1935470627": 335,
                        "1943323491": 3,
                        "2715839340": 20,
                        "2762071195": 70,
                        "2996146975": 1,
                        "3555269338": 34,
                        "3897883278": 0,
                        "4188031367": 40,
                        "4244567218": 0

which returns as this list of stats:

209426660 {'description': 'Damage reduction while guarding with this weapon.', 'name': 'Defense', 'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
392767087 {'description': 'Increases the amount of damage you can take before dying.', 'name': 'Resilience', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/4673daaf8c2aed5fdf471521593bfc9f.png', 'hasIcon': True}
925767036 {'description': 'How many powerful attacks this weapon can launch before ammo is depleted', 'name': 'Ammo Capacity', 'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
1735777505 {'description': 'Discipline decreases the cooldown time of your grenades, allowing you to use them more often.\n\nFind and equip armor with Discipline to boost this effect.', 'name': 'Discipline', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/ae945733cab4aaea228429e9dc2d2b2f.png', 'hasIcon': True}
1885944937 {'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
1935470627 {'description': 'Raising your Power increases the damage your abilities deal against higher-level enemies.', 'name': 'Power', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/ef41b4b17ee0fe6dc890a36ee50278c2.png', 'hasIcon': True}
1943323491 {'description': 'Increases the speed at which you regain lost health.', 'name': 'Recovery', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/94b127ddf962e9bc61d928e5d367c7f0.png', 'hasIcon': True}
2715839340 {'description': "The weapon's tendency to move while firing.", 'name': 'Recoil Direction', 'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
2762071195 {'description': 'Ammo lost when guarding with this weapon.', 'name': 'Efficiency', 'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
2996146975 {'description': 'Increases your movement speed and maximum jump height.', 'name': 'Mobility', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/491850618d2b85ba50c09fcbfaf6f177.png', 'hasIcon': True}
3555269338 {'description': "How much the weapon's scope can zoom in on targets.", 'name': 'Zoom', 'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
3897883278 {'description': 'Reduces incoming damage from your enemies.', 'name': 'Defense', 'icon': '/img/theme/destiny/icons/icon_defense.png', 'hasIcon': True}
4188031367 {'description': 'The time it takes to reload this weapon.', 'name': 'Reload Speed', 'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
4244567218 {'description': 'Strength reduces the cooldown time of your melee ability, allowing you to use it more often.\n\nFind and equip armor with Strength to boost this effect.', 'name': 'Strength', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/1ffcf6fdc84c25b0fff511d478192d2d.png', 'hasIcon': True}
vthornheart-bng commented 6 years ago

Oh, interesting! When did you start seeing these come down? Was that a recent development? Very interesting, thanks for bringing this to my attention! None of those should be applied to the character, so something unusual has happened. I will need to investigate how they are populating, but I imagine those are somehow being derived from items the character has equipped.

nine13tech commented 6 years ago

It started at the same time mobility issue came up (see #382 ) about a week or so now.

vthornheart-bng commented 6 years ago

I'll use this to track why these other non-character-level stats are being returned.

vthornheart-bng commented 6 years ago

Okay, this will be fixed the next major deployment we have - apparently at some point these meaningless stats began being returned alongside the meaningful character stats. I'm not certain when they began, but our use cases of character level stats have apparently always ended up being grabbing specific ones that we care about... and as such, this went undetected! I'm glad you reported it, only character-relevant stats will start being returned once this fix is deployed. Thanks!

nine13tech commented 6 years ago

For the base stats on a character can we keep reporting even if they are 0? like those in this list:

144602215 {'description': 'Decreases the cooldown of your Super ability, allowing you to use it more often.\n\nFind and equip armor with Strength to boost this effect.', 'name': 'Intellect', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/717ab70234d28ce0afba4255dacd318f.png', 'hasIcon': True}
392767087 {'description': 'Increases the amount of damage you can take before dying.', 'name': 'Resilience', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/4673daaf8c2aed5fdf471521593bfc9f.png', 'hasIcon': True}
1735777505 {'description': 'Discipline decreases the cooldown time of your grenades, allowing you to use them more often.\n\nFind and equip armor with Discipline to boost this effect.', 'name': 'Discipline', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/ae945733cab4aaea228429e9dc2d2b2f.png', 'hasIcon': True}
1935470627 {'description': 'Raising your Power increases the damage your abilities deal against higher-level enemies.', 'name': 'Power', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/ef41b4b17ee0fe6dc890a36ee50278c2.png', 'hasIcon': True}
1943323491 {'description': 'Increases the speed at which you regain lost health.', 'name': 'Recovery', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/94b127ddf962e9bc61d928e5d367c7f0.png', 'hasIcon': True}
2996146975 {'description': 'Increases your movement speed and maximum jump height.', 'name': 'Mobility', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/491850618d2b85ba50c09fcbfaf6f177.png', 'hasIcon': True}
3555269338 {'description': "How much the weapon's scope can zoom in on targets.", 'name': 'Zoom', 'icon': '/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png', 'hasIcon': False}
3897883278 {'description': 'Reduces incoming damage from your enemies.', 'name': 'Defense', 'icon': '/img/theme/destiny/icons/icon_defense.png', 'hasIcon': True}
4244567218 {'description': 'Strength reduces the cooldown time of your melee ability, allowing you to use it more often.\n\nFind and equip armor with Strength to boost this effect.', 'name': 'Strength', 'icon': '/common/destiny2_content/icons/1ffcf6fdc84c25b0fff511d478192d2d.png', 'hasIcon': True}
vthornheart-bng commented 6 years ago

When it comes to base stats, the ones we'll return are the only ones that are actually relevant on a character level:

Light/"Power" level Mobility Recovery Resiliance

Those will be returned even if they're 0, but none of those other weapon/armor specific stats or D1 legacy stats (which still existed as early test/"junk" content for D2) will be returned anymore.