Bunkerbewohner / ColladaXna

Collada Importer for XNA (Work in Progress)
MIT License
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Import Animation Clips #13

Open Bunkerbewohner opened 13 years ago

Bunkerbewohner commented 13 years ago

Animations are already correctly imported. However, right now animation clips are not. Animation clips are simply tuples of name, start- and end-time of logically separate animations. I.e. while most of the time there will be one long animation in the COLLADA document, it will consist of different parts. For example the first 30 frames could be a walking animation, the next 30 a jump, and so on.

Animation clips allow accessing these parts by their names rather than by frame numbers. Therefore it would be nice to import these clips. Unfortunately I haven't seen an exporter that actually exports animation clips yet. But I can just refer to the COLLADA specification to implement it anyway. In the worst case you can add animation clips via notepad very easily.

Bunkerbewohner commented 13 years ago

I basically implemented the feature, but I couldn't test it yet.