Bunkerbewohner / ColladaXna

Collada Importer for XNA (Work in Progress)
MIT License
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Convert Skinned Mesh Animation Data to XNA Content Model #2

Closed Bunkerbewohner closed 13 years ago

Bunkerbewohner commented 13 years ago

Even though the underlying ColladaModel class already loads skinned mesh animations, the animation data still has to be converted to the XNA content model (based on NodeContent).

Bunkerbewohner commented 13 years ago

Works now for models which only consist of a single mesh. For models with more meshes this is not yet working correctly, partly because the scene structure is not imported properly right now (See Ticket #1).

Bunkerbewohner commented 13 years ago

Seems I was wrong. The sample model that was rendered incorrectly had a mesh without attached bones which was by default removed through the content processor of the XNA Skinning Sample. So the animations are indeed imported correctly. Ticket closed, for now.