Bunkerbewohner / ColladaXna

Collada Importer for XNA (Work in Progress)
MIT License
15 stars 3 forks source link

Importing entire scene rather than Model only #8

Open Bunkerbewohner opened 13 years ago

Bunkerbewohner commented 13 years ago

This library was created to import single animated 3D models from COLLADA files. However, the COLLADA file format is much more powerful than that. You can actually store multiple complete 3D scenes with lights, cameras and abitrary entities.

Maybe in future a seperate library could be created that allows importing entire scenes from COLLADA to XNA. The advantage of this would be that you wouldn't necessarily have to create a Level Editor. You could simply use your favourite 3D Content Creation Tool, such as 3ds Max or Blender, to design your 3D scenes and levels.