BunnyCinnamon / BetterHurtTimer

Better Hurt Time Attack Frames
MIT License
5 stars 6 forks source link

Error when firing bow, halved my fps and logged got spammed #11

Closed BugmanBugman closed 3 years ago

BugmanBugman commented 3 years ago

https://hatebin.com/kmsqaadvnb My console got filled up with this after i shot a bow and got the achievement. FPS halved soon after.

BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago

It did that after hitting an entity? or while the arrow was on the air?

BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago

I honestly do not understand what went wrong, this shouldn't be possible... what BHT version is this?

BugmanBugman commented 3 years ago

i'll try recreating it again. It did it when it hit an entity