BunnyCinnamon / BetterHurtTimer

Better Hurt Time Attack Frames
MIT License
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Mod Breaking Lycintes Mobs #13

Open Shibva opened 3 years ago

Shibva commented 3 years ago

I noticed that ever since I added this mod that it messed with the defense attributes with lycanites mobs

usually the aegis has an immunity to high damage, however when this mod is present, its damage limit is messed with and allows me to one shot them

while this may not seem like an issue, it is for me for it breaks some of the defense attributes

can you please look into this?

BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago

Huh, I don't mess with damage. what does your config look like and how do you kill them? Bow, Guns, Swords?

Shibva commented 3 years ago

not sure at this point, using melle weapons though

BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago

1.12.2? What sword are you using?

Shibva commented 3 years ago

just any meelee weapon in general and yes 1.12.2

BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago

Do you know the difference in damage with BHT on and off?

BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago

Also, aegis do not have a damage limit, just increased shield when their health is below 25%

Shibva commented 3 years ago

yes, the damage for the aegis is supposed to be half a heart when its "shields" are up

BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago

Hmmm but in the code it reads that it has a 50% chance of increased shield if after you hit if its health is under 25%. Not that it will survive a fatal hit

BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago

oh wait were you replying to the first or second message

Shibva commented 3 years ago

this was at full health

look, idk but I removed the mod a While ago when Ifound out the Dependency for Ender skills so idk


BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago

yeap idk

BunnyCinnamon commented 3 years ago


Shibva commented 3 years ago

all I Can conclude is that Better Hurt timer seemst o be bypassing the amor

While itself dosent apear to have an armor value (according to Wawla)