BunnyCinnamon / OffHandCombat

Allows for double handed fighting styles without breaking the combat"
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link

Incompatible with BetterThirdPerson-Forge-1.18-1.6.0 #11

Closed PaulerLeOne closed 2 years ago

PaulerLeOne commented 2 years ago

off-hand-combat-0.0.0-forge and architectury-3.6.16 When lauching the game with these mods, it turns back to the launcher giving error 0, the loading window doesn't even appear.

BunnyCinnamon commented 2 years ago

Oh hmmm I will try to fix it...

PaulerLeOne commented 2 years ago

https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/e421551fcfc94146985a061ff899400e Here's a log btw.

BunnyCinnamon commented 2 years ago

fixed I think