Bunsly / HomeHarvest

Python package for scraping real estate property data
MIT License
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Historical listings not included if they didn't sell #87

Open kylejcaron opened 1 week ago

kylejcaron commented 1 week ago

Thanks for building this tool! I noticed that historical listings that didn't sell don't end up getting scraped under listing_type='for_sale'. It would be great (and more reflective of the history) to include all listings whether they sold or not

ZacharyHampton commented 1 week ago

Hey, thanks for the issue.

I assume, what you'd be asking for here is more of an "all" listing type? So you can do a search and get every listing?

kylejcaron commented 6 days ago

Hey, thanks for the issue.

I assume, what you'd be asking for here is more of an "all" listing type? So you can do a search and get every listing?

yes exactly! In the meantime, I realized that I can manually enter addresses to get their listing regardless so its no problem for me, but I personally think this would be a good feature!