Bunsly / JobSpy

Jobs scraper library for LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor & ZipRecruiter
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Fix GlassDoor Country Issue? #122

Closed giga-sec closed 3 months ago

giga-sec commented 3 months ago

Bossman, I get an error if I input a "two letter country name" even though it is listed in the countries supported.

I haven't tested it yet but is it possible the proposed changes can fix it? Thinkin that the problem is it doesn't accept "two letters"

giga-sec commented 3 months ago

Error Code in Console

ValueError: Invalid country string: 'vn'. 

Valid countries are: argentina, australia, austria, bahrain, belgium, brazil, canada, chile, china, colombia, costa rica, czech republic,czechia, denmark, ecuador, egypt, finland, france, germany, greece, hong kong, hungary, india, indonesia, ireland, israel, italy, japan, kuwait, luxembourg, malaysia, mexico, morocco, 
netherlands, new zealand, nigeria, norway, oman, pakistan, panama, peru, philippines, poland, portugal, qatar, romania, saudi arabia, singapore, south africa, south korea, spain, sweden, switzerland, taiwan, thailand, turkey, ukraine, united arab emirates, uk,united kingdom, usa,us,united states, uruguay, venezuela, 
vietnam, usa/ca, worldwide
cullenwatson commented 3 months ago

good catch. actually just needed to add .com for it as Vietnam uses that for Glassdoor