BurgerZ / jBART

Crossplatform (java based) Android ROMs Tools.
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Problem with decompile miui v7 rom #158

Closed eliran0216 closed 8 years ago

eliran0216 commented 8 years ago

Log [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: WEDNESDAY 08.06.2016 18:19:49 [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: Copyright: 2012-2015, Andrei Zhukouski (BurgerZ) [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: www: http://burgerz.pro [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: Email: az.burgerz@gmail.com [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: All Rights Reserved [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: ** [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: Welcome to jBART v3h build 20160329.03 [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: ** [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: License info: [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: ID: 1f1b08b0068441702e73e1d21e94c58e [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: Name: Public [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: Serial: UNREGISTERED [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: ** [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: Java version: 1.8.0_45-internal [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: OS name: Linux [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: OS version: 3.19.0-28-generic [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: OS arch: 64 bit [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: Home directory: /home/eliran/jBART-master/ [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: [08.06.2016 18:19:49] I: [08.06.2016 18:19:50] I: Current file: xiaomi.eu_multi_kenzo_V7.3.2.0.LHOCNDD_v7-5.1.zip [08.06.2016 18:19:50] I: Get main repo (translation)... [08.06.2016 18:19:55] I: Preparing translation... [08.06.2016 18:19:55] I: Language folders found: 2 [08.06.2016 18:19:55] I: Language 1: Hebrew [08.06.2016 18:19:55] I: Language 2: Arabic [08.06.2016 18:19:55] I: Get patches repo (XML patches)... [08.06.2016 18:19:55] I: Get extra repo (file replacements)... [08.06.2016 18:19:55] I: Patches are turned off in settings [08.06.2016 18:19:55] I: Installing jBART framework files... [08.06.2016 18:19:55] I: Using apktool-2.1.0-285da3-SNAPSHOT-BZ.jar [08.06.2016 18:19:56] W: Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar [08.06.2016 18:19:56] I: I: Framework installed to: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/4.apk [08.06.2016 18:19:56] W: Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar [08.06.2016 18:19:56] I: I: Framework installed to: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/3.apk [08.06.2016 18:19:56] W: Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar [08.06.2016 18:19:56] I: I: Framework installed to: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/2.apk [08.06.2016 18:19:56] W: Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: I: Framework installed to: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/5.apk [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: Installing ROM framework files... [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: Check for existing files from deletefiles.conf... [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: Loaded RAW delete config: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/settings/deletefiles.conf [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: Found 281 directories with apk files: [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 1: app/AGPSTestMode [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 2: app/AnalyticsCore [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 3: app/AntHalService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 4: app/AntiSpam [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 5: app/AntiTheftDemo [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 6: app/ApplicationsProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 7: app/BTTestApp [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 8: app/BarcodeScanner [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 9: app/BatteryGuruSystemApp [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 10: app/Bluetooth [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 11: app/BluetoothExt [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 12: app/BugReport [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 13: app/Calculator [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 14: app/CalendarLocalAccount [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 15: app/CalendarWidget [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 16: app/CaptivePortalLogin [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 17: app/CarrierCacheService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 18: app/CarrierConfigure [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 19: app/CarrierLoadService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 20: app/CertInstaller [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 21: app/CloudPrint2 [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 22: app/CloudService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 23: app/ConferenceDialer [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 24: app/DataMonitor [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 25: app/DeskClock [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 26: app/DeviceInfo [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 27: app/DocumentsUI [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 28: app/Email [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 29: app/EngineerTool [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 30: app/EngineerToolOp [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 31: app/FM [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 32: app/FPService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 33: app/FccTest [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 34: app/FileExplorer [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 35: app/FingerprintService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 36: app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 37: app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 38: app/GsmTuneAway [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 39: app/GuardProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 40: app/HTMLViewer [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 41: app/HiddTestApp [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 42: app/HomeLocation [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 43: app/InterfacePermissions [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 44: app/KeyChain [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 45: app/KingSoftCleaner [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 46: app/LEDFlashlight [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 47: app/LatinImeGoogle [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 48: app/LiveWallpapersPicker [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 49: app/LunarInfoProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 50: app/MSDC_UI [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 51: app/MiGalleryLockscreen [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 52: app/MiLinkService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 53: app/MiWallpaper [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 54: app/MiuiCompass [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 55: app/MiuiVideo [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 56: app/NetworkAssistant2 [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 57: app/NetworkSetting [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 58: app/Notes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 59: app/NotificationService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 60: app/OmaDownload [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 61: app/OmaDrmEngineApp [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 62: app/PacProcessor [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 63: app/PackageInstaller [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 64: app/PicoTts [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 65: app/PowerKeeper [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 66: app/PrintSpooler [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 67: app/Provision [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 68: app/QComQMIPermissions [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 69: app/QFingerprintService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 70: app/QSSEP11EncryptorDecryptor [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 71: app/QtiBackupAgent [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 72: app/QtiFeedback [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 73: app/QuickSearchBox [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 74: app/RIDLClient [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 75: app/SampleAuthenticatorService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 76: app/SapClientApp [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 77: app/SecProtect [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 78: app/SecureSampleAuthService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 79: app/SecurityAdd [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 80: app/SmsLteRegister [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 81: app/SmsRegister [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 82: app/SoundRecorder [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 83: app/StaProxyService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 84: app/StepsProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 85: app/Stk [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 86: app/StopTimer [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 87: app/ThemeManager [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 88: app/TimeService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 89: app/Updater [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 90: app/UserDictionaryProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 91: app/WAPPushManager [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 92: app/WebViewGoogle [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 93: app/WfdClient [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 94: app/Whetstone [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 95: app/XMRemoteController [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 96: app/XiaomiAccount [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 97: app/XiaomiServiceFramework [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 98: app/btmultisim [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 99: app/com.qualcomm.qti.auth.fidocryptosample [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 100: app/com.qualcomm.qti.services.secureui [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 101: app/com.quicinc.wipoweragent [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 102: app/fastdormancy [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 103: app/imstests [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 104: app/miui [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 105: app/miuisystem [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 106: app/qcrilmsgtunnel [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 107: app/shutdownlistener [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 108: app/xdivert [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 109: etc/WhetstonePermission [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 110: framework [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 111: framework/framework-ext-res [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 112: priv-app/AuthManager [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 113: priv-app/AutoTest [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 114: priv-app/Backup [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 115: priv-app/BackupRestoreConfirmation [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 116: priv-app/BatterySaver [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 117: priv-app/Browser [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 118: priv-app/CNEService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 119: priv-app/Calendar [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 120: priv-app/CalendarProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 121: priv-app/CellBroadcastReceiver [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 122: priv-app/CleanMaster [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 123: priv-app/CloudBackup [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 124: priv-app/ConfigurationClient [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 125: priv-app/Contacts [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 126: priv-app/ContactsProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 127: priv-app/DefaultContainerService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 128: priv-app/DownloadProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 129: priv-app/DownloadProviderUi [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 130: priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 131: priv-app/FM2 [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 132: priv-app/FPCSensorTestTool [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 133: priv-app/FidoCryptoService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 134: priv-app/FindDevice [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 135: priv-app/FusedLocation [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 136: priv-app/GoogleBackupTransport [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 137: priv-app/GoogleFeedback [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 138: priv-app/GoogleLoginService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 139: priv-app/GoogleOneTimeInitializer [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 140: priv-app/GooglePartnerSetup [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 141: priv-app/GoogleServicesFramework [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 142: priv-app/InCallUI [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 143: priv-app/InputDevices [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 144: priv-app/ManagedProvisioning [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 145: priv-app/MediaProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 146: priv-app/MiDrop [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 147: priv-app/Mipub [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 148: priv-app/MiuiCamera [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 149: priv-app/MiuiGallery [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 150: priv-app/MiuiHome [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 151: priv-app/MiuiKeyguard [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 152: priv-app/MiuiSystemUI [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 153: priv-app/Mms [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 154: priv-app/MmsService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 155: priv-app/Music [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 156: priv-app/MusicFX [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 157: priv-app/OneTimeInitializer [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 158: priv-app/Phonesky [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 159: priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 160: priv-app/ProxyHandler [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 161: priv-app/SecurityCenter [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 162: priv-app/Settings [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 163: priv-app/SettingsProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 164: priv-app/SharedStorageBackup [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 165: priv-app/Shell [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 166: priv-app/TeleService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 167: priv-app/Telecom [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 168: priv-app/TelephonyProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 169: priv-app/TimerSwitch [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 170: priv-app/VpnDialogs [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 171: priv-app/WallpaperCropper [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 172: priv-app/Weather [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 173: priv-app/WeatherProvider [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 174: priv-app/YellowPage [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 175: priv-app/cit [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 176: priv-app/com.qualcomm.l

eliran0216 commented 8 years ago
225: vendor/ChinaMobile/system/vendor/overlay/CmccTelephonyProviderRes

[08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 226: vendor/ChinaMobile/system/vendor/overlay/CmccTrebuchetRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 227: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/app/AutoRegistration [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 228: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/app/CtBrowserQuick [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 229: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/app/CtLauncherRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 230: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/app/CtRoamingSettings [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 231: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/app/CtUniversalDownload [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 232: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/app/CtWallpaper [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 233: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtBrowserRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 234: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtCalLocalAccountRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 235: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtDialerRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 236: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtEmailRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 237: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtFrameworksRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 238: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtKeyguardRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 239: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtMmsRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 240: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtMultisimSettingsRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 241: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtPhoneFeaturesRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 242: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtSettingsProviderRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 243: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtSettingsRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 244: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtSimContactsRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 245: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtStkRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 246: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtSystemUIRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 247: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtTeleServiceRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 248: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/CtTrebuchetRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 249: vendor/ChinaTelecom/system/vendor/overlay/system/app/CtTelephonyProviderRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 250: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/app/CuBrowserQuick [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 251: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/app/CuLauncherRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 252: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/app/CuWallpaper [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 253: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuBrowserRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 254: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuCalLocalAccountRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 255: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuFrameworksRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 256: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuGallery2Res [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 257: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuKeyguardRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 258: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuSettingsProviderRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 259: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuSettingsRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 260: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuSimContactsRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 261: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuStkRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 262: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuSystemUIRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 263: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuTeleServiceRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 264: vendor/ChinaUnicom/system/vendor/overlay/CuTrebuchetRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 265: vendor/CmccPower/system/vendor/overlay/CmccPowerCamera2Res [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 266: vendor/CmccPower/system/vendor/overlay/CmccPowerFrameworksRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 267: vendor/CmccPower/system/vendor/overlay/CmccPowerSettingsProviderRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 268: vendor/MPCS/system/vendor/overlay/MPCSCellBroadcastReceiverRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 269: vendor/MPCS/system/vendor/overlay/MPCSFrameworksRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 270: vendor/MPCS/system/vendor/overlay/MPCSPhoneFeaturesRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 271: vendor/MPCS/system/vendor/overlay/MPCSSettingsProviderRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 272: vendor/MPCS/system/vendor/overlay/MPCSSystemUIRes [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 273: vendor/app/BluetoothOp [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 274: vendor/app/CABLService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 275: vendor/app/NativeAudioLatency [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 276: vendor/app/QDCMMobileApp [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 277: vendor/app/SVIService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 278: vendor/app/WfdService [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 279: vendor/app/colorservice [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 280: vendor/app/ims [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: 281: vendor/app/vtremoteservice [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: \ Decompiling app/AGPSTestMode files started ** [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: Found (.apk): 1 [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: *\ Decompiling AGPSTestMode.apk [08.06.2016 18:19:57] W: Picked up JAVA_TOOLOPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: I: Using Apktool 2.1.0-285da3-SNAPSHOT on AGPSTestMode.apk [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: I: Loading resource table... [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources... [08.06.2016 18:19:57] I: I: Loading resource table from file: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/1.apk [08.06.2016 18:19:58] I: I: Regular manifest package... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Decoding file-resources... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Decoding values /_ XMLs... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Copying raw classes.dex file... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Copying assets and libs... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Copying unknown files... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Copying original files... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: Check for available patches... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: Check for available NXT patches... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: **\ Decompiling app/AnalyticsCore files started [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: Found (.apk): 1 [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: *\ Decompiling AnalyticsCore.apk [08.06.2016 18:19:59] W: Picked up JAVA_TOOLOPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Using Apktool 2.1.0-285da3-SNAPSHOT on AnalyticsCore.apk [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Loading resource table... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources... [08.06.2016 18:19:59] I: I: Loading resource table from file: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/1.apk [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Regular manifest package... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Decoding file-resources... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Decoding values /_ XMLs... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Copying raw classes.dex file... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Copying assets and libs... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Copying unknown files... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Copying original files... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: Check for available patches... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: Check for available NXT patches... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: **\ Decompiling app/AntHalService files started [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: Found (.apk): 1 [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: *\ Decompiling AntHalService.apk [08.06.2016 18:20:00] W: Picked up JAVA_TOOLOPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Using Apktool 2.1.0-285da3-SNAPSHOT on AntHalService.apk [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Loading resource table... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources... [08.06.2016 18:20:00] I: I: Loading resource table from file: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/1.apk [08.06.2016 18:20:01] I: I: Regular manifest package... [08.06.2016 18:20:01] I: I: Decoding file-resources... [08.06.2016 18:20:01] I: I: Decoding values /_ XMLs... [08.06.2016 18:20:01] I: I: Copying raw classes.dex file... [08.06.2016 18:20:01] I: I: Copying assets and libs... [08.06.2016 18:20:01] I: I: Copying unknown files... [08.06.2016 18:20:01] I: I: Copying original files... [08.06.2016 18:20:02] I: Check for available patches... [08.06.2016 18:20:02] I: Check for available NXT patches... [08.06.2016 18:20:02] I: **\ Decompiling app/AntiSpam files started [08.06.2016 18:20:02] I: Found (.apk): 1 [08.06.2016 18:20:02] I: *\ Decompiling AntiSpam.apk **** [08.06.2016 18:20:02] W: Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar [08.06.2016 18:20:02] I: I: Using Apktool 2.1.0-285da3-SNAPSHOT on AntiSpam.apk [08.06.2016 18:20:02] I: I: Loading resource table... [08.06.2016 18:20:02] I: I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources... [08.06.2016 18:20:02] I: I: Loading resource table from file: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/1.apk [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0017 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0047 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0051 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0051 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0051 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0051 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0051 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0051 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0051 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0051 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=theme, value=0x100d0051 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] I: I: Regular manifest package... [08.06.2016 18:20:03] I: I: Decoding file-resources... [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x100d0058 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=layout_marginTop, value=0x100a000c [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=layout_marginBottom, value=0x100a000c [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x100d0057 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x100d0058 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x100d0058 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x100d0058 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x100d0057 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x100d0058 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=icon, value=0x10020009 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=src, value=0x1002006a [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=src, value=0x1002006b [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=src, value=0x10020070 [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x100a000d [08.06.2016 18:20:03] W: W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=padd

BurgerZ commented 8 years ago

That's strange, but frameworks from rom was not installed! Installing ROM framework files... and nothing after this line.

eliran0216 commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your answer, i succeeded to decompile single file but i have problem with compile [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: WEDNESDAY 08.06.2016 21:46:23 [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: Copyright: 2012-2015, Andrei Zhukouski (BurgerZ) [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: www: http://burgerz.pro [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: Email: az.burgerz@gmail.com [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: All Rights Reserved [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: ** [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: Welcome to jBART v3h build 20160329.03 [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: ** [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: License info: [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: ID: 1f1b08b0068441702e73e1d21e94c58e [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: Name: Public [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: Serial: UNREGISTERED [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: ** [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: Java version: 1.8.0_45-internal [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: OS name: Linux [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: OS version: 3.19.0-28-generic [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: OS arch: 64 bit [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: Home directory: /home/eliran/jBART-master/ [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: \ Compiling file started ** [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: \ Compiling Bluetooth.apk ** [08.06.2016 21:46:23] W: Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: I: Using Apktool 2.1.0-285da3-SNAPSHOT [08.06.2016 21:46:23] I: I: Copying /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk classes.dex file... [08.06.2016 21:46:24] I: I: Building resources... [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'Errortoomanyrequests' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'app_name_bpp' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'ble_device_connected' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'ble_device_unbind' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_busy' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_email_settings_app_icon' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_email_settings_cancel' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_email_settings_count' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_email_settings_intro' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_email_settings_no_account_slots_left' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_email_settings_save' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_email_settings_title' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_settings_app_icon' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_settings_cancel' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_settings_count' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_settings_intro' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_settings_no_account_slots_left' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_settings_save' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_map_settings_title' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_no_devices_found' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_sap_notif_disconnect_button' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_sap_notif_disconnecting' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_sap_notif_force_disconnect_button' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_sap_notif_message' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_sap_notif_ticker' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bluetooth_sap_notif_title' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bpp_authentication_timeout_message' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bpp_cancel' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bpp_main' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bpp_printing_button_text' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bpp_session_key_dialog_header' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bpp_session_key_dialog_title' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bpp_setting_text' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'bt_advanced_settings' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'deleteall_record' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'empty_sub_name' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'format_progress_text' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'localphonename' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_acceptance_timeout_message' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_auth_notif_message' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_auth_notif_ticker' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_auth_notif_title' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_authentication_timeout_message' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_datasource_mms_name' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_datasource_sms_name' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_datasource_smsmms_name' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_defaultname' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_defaultnumber' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_localPhoneName' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_provider_smsmms_name' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_session_key_dialog_header' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_session_key_dialog_title' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'map_unknownName' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'notify_need_on_BT_before_retry' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'panu_disconnect_while_wifi_connected' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'panu_no_need_connect' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permdesc_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permdesc_bluetoothMap' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permdesc_bluetoothmap' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permdesc_bluetoothsharemanager' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permdesc_bluetoothwhitelist' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permdesc_fm_receiver' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permdesc_handoverStatus' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permdesc_handoverstatus' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permlab_bluetoothAvrcpDataManager' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permlab_bluetoothMap' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permlab_bluetoothmap' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permlab_bluetoothsharemanager' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permlab_bluetoothwhitelist' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permlab_fm_receiver' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permlab_handoverStatus' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'permlab_handoverstatus' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_description_a2dp' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_description_ftp' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_description_gatt' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_description_hdp' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_description_hid' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_description_hs_hfp' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_description_mse' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_description_pan' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_description_sap' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_ftp' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_gatt' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_hdp' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_hid' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_hs_hfp' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_mse' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_pan' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'profile_sap' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'security_center_permission_deny' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'sim_selected_dialog_title' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'suggested' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'title_bt_mse_settings' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'too_much_file_sent' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'unknownname' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: warning: string 'unknownnumber' has no default translation. [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/activity_device_picker_pad.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/layout_content'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/activity_device_picker_phone.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/layout_content'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/activity_mi_key_alert.xml:5: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/title'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/activity_mi_key_alert.xml:5: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/mi_key_alert_dialog_title'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/activity_mi_key_alert.xml:6: error: vity_main.xml:20: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/update_text'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:21: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/update_record'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:21: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/ok_button'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:24: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/ack_record'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:25: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/ack_text'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:26: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/ack_record'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:26: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/ok_button'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:28: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/deleteAll_record'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:28: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/deleteAll_record'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:29: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/start_server'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:29: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/start_server'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:30: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/notify_server'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/layout/testactivity_main.xml:30: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/notify_server'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/xml/device_profile.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'title' with value '@string/ble_device_profile_title'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/xml/device_profile.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'title' with value '@string/ble_device_profile_header_title'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/drawable/action_button_search.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '@drawable/action_button_search_pressed'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/drawable/action_button_search.xml:5: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '@drawable/action_button_search_disable'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/drawable/action_button_search.xml:6: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '@drawable/action_button_search_normal_anim'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/drawable/action_button_search_normal_anim.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '@drawable/action_button_search_normal'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/drawable/notification_action_bg.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '@drawable/notification_action_bg_pressed'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/drawable/notification_action_bg.xml:5: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '@drawable/notification_action_bg_pressed'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/drawable/notification_action_bg.xml:6: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '@drawable/notification_action_bg_normal'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/menu/receivedfilescontextfinished.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/transfer_menu_open'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/menu/receivedfilescontextfinished.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'title' with value '@string/transfer_menu_open'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/menu/transferhistory.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/transfer_menu_clear_all'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/menu/transferhistory.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'title' with value '@string/transfer_menu_clear_all'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/menu/transferhistorycontextfinished.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/transfer_menu_open'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/menu/transferhistorycontextfinished.xml:4: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'title' with value '@string/transfer_menu_open'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/menu/transferhistorycontextfinished.xml:5: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@id/transfer_menu_clear'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res/menu/transferhistorycontextfinished.xml:5: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'title' with value '@string/transfer_menu_clear'). [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: W: [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec (exit code = 1): [/tmp/brut_util_Jar_1975362516640281655.tmp, p, --forced-package-id, 7, --min-sdk-version, 22, --target-sdk-version, 22, --rename-manifest-package, com.android.bluetooth, --version-code, 22, --version-name, 5.1.1-V7.3.2.0.LHOCNDD, -F, /tmp/APKTOOL1342120044680715700.tmp, -x, -0, dex, -0, arsc, -0, xml, -0, arsc, -I, /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/1.apk, -I, /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/16.apk, -S, /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res, -M, /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/AndroidManifest.xml] [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:433) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResources(Androlib.java:371) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:281) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:254) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:224) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:84) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: Caused by: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec (exit code = 1): [/tmp/brut_util_Jar_1975362516640281655.tmp, p, --forced-package-id, 7, --min-sdk-version, 22, --target-sdk-version, 22, --rename-manifest-package, com.android.bluetooth, --version-code, 22, --version-name, 5.1.1-V7.3.2.0.LHOCNDD, -F, /tmp/APKTOOL1342120044680715700.tmp, -x, -0, dex, -0, arsc, -0, xml, -0, arsc, -I, /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/1.apk, -I, /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/16.apk, -S, /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res, -M, /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/AndroidManifest.xml] [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.java:430) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:419) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: ... 5 more [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec (exit code = 1): [/tmp/brut_util_Jar_1975362516640281655.tmp, p, --forced-package-id, 7, --min-sdk-version, 22, --target-sdk-version, 22, --rename-manifest-package, com.android.bluetooth, --version-code, 22, --version-name, 5.1.1-V7.3.2.0.LHOCNDD, -F, /tmp/APKTOOL1342120044680715700.tmp, -x, -0, dex, -0, arsc, -0, xml, -0, arsc, -I, /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/1.apk, -I, /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/frameworks/16.apk, -S, /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/res, -M, /home/eliran/jBART-master/Bluetooth.apk.bzprj/decompiled/Bluetooth.apk/AndroidManifest.xml] [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.util.OS.exec(OS.java:95) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.java:424) [08.06.2016 21:46:24] W: ... 6 more [08.06.2016 21:48:51] I: Loaded NXT patcher config: /home/eliran/jBART-master/data/patches/nxt/ContactsProvider/T9.ptch

BurgerZ commented 8 years ago

This is apktool's issue, not jbart.