Burgov / KeyValueFormBundle

A form type for managing key-value pairs
MIT License
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Update KeyValueRowType for Symfony 3. #28

Closed ubermichael closed 4 years ago

ubermichael commented 7 years ago

At some point Symfony dropped SimpleChoiceList, and stopped referring to choice widgets by name. This patch updates those two things.

It may need back-porting to Symfony 2.8, I'm not sure.

Burgov commented 7 years ago

Can anyone verify that this is safe to merge without breaking older versions?

pmdc commented 7 years ago

It will be breaking projects with Symfony older than 2.7 as Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\ArrayChoiceList was introduced in 2.7.

It will also break projects running on PHP 5.4 and lower as ::class constant was introduced in PHP 5.5.

Except for Symfony 2.3 (support ending in may 2017), the Symfony and PHP versions that would break are all unsuported.

Burgov commented 7 years ago

I guess we should wait until June before merging this?

Burgov commented 6 years ago

Is this good to go now? @pmdc

enekochan commented 6 years ago

May be this could be merged to a new v2.0.0 (where we would target Symfony 3.3, 3.4 and 4.0) and leave v1.4.x BC for 2.8 and/or 3.0. Either way there are more things that should be changed to be Symfony 3.4 compatible like:

https://github.com/Burgov/KeyValueFormBundle/blob/master/Form/Type/KeyValueType.php#L54 https://github.com/Burgov/KeyValueFormBundle/blob/master/Form/Type/KeyValueType.php#L83

mvehar commented 4 years ago

Will this be merged and published anytime soon?