BurhanH / TestAutomationCourse-python-ui-project

Python UI project for Test Automation Course
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SA-POC :: setUp options #23

Closed Stan575 closed 2 years ago

Stan575 commented 2 years ago

This is POC draft for exploring options for setUp implementation, it is not a PR, DO NOT merge into main Here are 3 options for setUp so far, you can pull this branch and locally reset to one of the following commits to see them: Change setUp method :: eed7a1d Option 2 : setUp :: 9dce3c5 Option 3 : setUp :: fc774d7

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Unit Test Results

2 tests   - 32   2 :heavy_check_mark:  - 32   8s :stopwatch: - 2m 5s 1 suites ±  0   0 :zzz: ±  0  1 files   ±  0   0 :x: ±  0 

Results for commit fc774d78. ± Comparison against base commit 0f8ec92f.

This pull request removes 32 tests. ``` tests.test_date_picker.TestToolsQADatePicker ‑ test_select_date_picking tests.test_saucedemo_e2e_tests.TestBrowser ‑ test_navigate_to_saucedemo_and_verify_title tests.test_saucedemo_e2e_tests.TestBrowser ‑ test_success_login tests.test_tools_qa.TestToolsQANavigation ‑ test_alerts_link tests.test_tools_qa.TestToolsQANavigation ‑ test_books_link tests.test_tools_qa.TestToolsQANavigation ‑ test_elements_link tests.test_tools_qa.TestToolsQANavigation ‑ test_forms_link tests.test_tools_qa.TestToolsQANavigation ‑ test_interactions_link tests.test_tools_qa.TestToolsQANavigation ‑ test_logo tests.test_tools_qa.TestToolsQANavigation ‑ test_navigate_to_toolsQA … ```
BurhanH commented 2 years ago

@gbarbachov Any comments on this one? Thanks

Stan575 commented 2 years ago

Closed this draft, created SA-RF :: Change setUp method