BurntPineapple52 / Humattery.com

Better understand your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy across all aspects of life.
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MVP: User Registration and Authentication #1

Open BurntPineapple52 opened 1 month ago

BurntPineapple52 commented 1 month ago


BurntPineapple52 commented 1 month ago

Create introduction video Steps: Script the video content Record the video Edit the video Upload to a hosting platform (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) Embed the video on your Google Sites page

Sample code for embedding a YouTube video in Google Sites: htmlCopy

Develop initial assessment Google Form Steps: Create a new Google Form Add questions for each energy type (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) Include questions about current habits and goals Set up response validation and required fields Customize the form design to match your app's style

Sample Google Apps Script to process form responses: javascriptCopyfunction onFormSubmit(e) { var responses = e.response.getItemResponses(); var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Responses");

var rowData = [new Date()]; // Start with timestamp

for (var i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) { var response = responses[i]; rowData.push(response.getResponse()); }

sheet.appendRow(rowData); }

Set up personalized recommendations page Steps: Create a new page in Google Sites Design a template for recommendations Use Google Apps Script to fetch user data from the form responses Generate personalized recommendations based on the user's assessment Display the recommendations on the page

Sample Google Apps Script to generate recommendations: javascriptCopyfunction generateRecommendations(userId) { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Responses"); var userData = getUserData(userId, sheet);

var recommendations = { physical: getPhysicalRecommendations(userData.physical), emotional: getEmotionalRecommendations(userData.emotional), mental: getMentalRecommendations(userData.mental), spiritual: getSpiritualRecommendations(userData.spiritual) };

return recommendations; }

function getUserData(userId, sheet) { // Implement logic to fetch user data from the sheet }

function getPhysicalRecommendations(physicalScore) { // Implement logic to generate physical recommendations based on the score }

// Implement similar functions for emotional, mental, and spiritual recommendations

Implement onboarding flow navigation Steps: Design the navigation flow (e.g., intro video -> assessment -> recommendations) Create navigation buttons or links on each page Use Google Sites' built-in navigation features or custom HTML/JavaScript Implement progress tracking to show users their position in the onboarding process

Sample HTML/JavaScript for navigation buttons: htmlCopy

To implement this onboarding process:

Start by creating the introduction video and embedding it on your Google Sites homepage. Develop the Google Form for the initial assessment, ensuring it covers all energy types. Set up the Google Apps Script to process form submissions and store data in Google Sheets. Create the personalized recommendations page and implement the recommendation generation logic. Design and implement the navigation flow between these components. Test the entire onboarding process thoroughly with your ~10 users. Iterate based on user feedback and refine each step as needed.

BurntPineapple52 commented 1 month ago

Intro video could be a short description of what's going on with the following video:


The vid is 30 min, so probably too much for a lot of folks to consume. I'm also concerned if I put that long of a video people will tune out and stop watching. Maybe I could cut that down? Will just go with the text summary + the video link for the beta, but will ask for feedback. Could also do some A/B testing